Hey! I had a simple question to ask to whom it may concern. I remember reading in the open beta launch skill changes that Buccaneer's dragon strike and barrage skill delay would be shortened. I'm not 100% certain if this has already been implemented but I honestly felt no difference in terms of delay. I remember back around the same time in GlobalMS when using other skills in transformation was introduced the delay on such skills were removed as well. So my question is, is it being worked on at the moment & if so would I be able to expect something like in the clips below?
Making Dragon Strike spammable would reduce the monotony of grinding for Buccs and it'd still serve the same purpose of breaking up the Barrage delay in the bossing scene, so I don't see a reason why it shouldn't be added, though there's always the "nostalgia" cop out counterargument. I know some people would argue using 500 different skills to complete the simple process of killing a mob is fun and makes Buccs unique, but after several hours at O4 in the 160 - 200 range, it's just a tedium. Dragon Strike isn't a very mobile skill like Brandish or ACB either, so it wouldn't make other classes obsolete. I don't have much of a say on the Barrage topic because I'm apparently blind and can't really notice a difference between the Before and After.
Yes I also feel itd help much more in terms of the end game grind if it ever ends up being implemented, as for the bossing scene maybe with a faster ds we could spam on area bosses? In my eyes I feel like itd help more having a faster barrage + ds combo! Also for the barrage i dont think its much of a difference either Max but if you look at the last seconds of the after clip it looks a bit faster imo! Thanks for your input