⚔️Welcome to the Inu store!⚔️ ✨All clean✨ All Class: Weapons: Diao Chan Sword 2 DEX, 1 INT, 70 watt, 61 matt (Good for lukless mage and warrior with good attack shield/accuracy gear) a/w 20mill Warrior:Armour: 10 STR White Crusader Chainmail (male only) (LVL35, 110 STR requirement): a/w 20mill boomed 9 STR Dark Crusader Chainmail (male only) (LVL35, 110 STR requirement): a/w 10mill boomed 10 STR 6 DEX Orihalcon Platine (male only) (LVL70): a/w 40mill failed first slot and npc'd Weapons: Maple Karstan 4 STR, 83 watt, 38 accuracy (LVL64, no requirement) a/w 10mill boomed Maple Karstan 2 STR, 87 watt, 37 accuracy (LVL64, no requirement) a/w 30mill Japanese Map 3 STR 2 DEX, 73 watt (LVL50, no requirement) a/w 20mill boomed Japanese Map 1 STR, 1 DEX, 73 watt (LVL50, no requirement) a/w 15mill scrolled Maple Soul Rohen 3 STR 87 watt, 38 accuracy (LVL64, no requirement) a/w 10mill Maple Soul Rohen 3 STR, 88 watt, 37 accuracy (LVL64, no requirement) a/w 20mill Mage: Armour: 8 INT Brown Dorosness Robe (female only) (LVL23, 25 LUK requirement) a/w 30mill 8 INT White Doros Robe (male only) (LVL23, 25 LUK requirement) a/w 30mill 12 INT 5 LUK Dark Enigma (female only) (LVL78, 80 LUK requirement) a/w 10mill 10 INT, 4 LUK Dark Moonlight (female only) (LVL38, 40 LUK, 20 fame requirement) a/w 30mill boomed Weapons: Maple Lama Staff 90hp/49mp, 62 matt (LVL32, no requirement) a/w 10mill Maple Shine Wand 1 INT 91hp/104mp, 84matt (LVL64, no requirement) a/w 30mill ️Thief: Weapons: Korean Fan 53 watt, 5 acc, 5 avoid (LVL35, no requirements) a/w 10mill Nimble Wristguard 5 str (LVL22, 40 DEX requirement) a/w 15mill boomed Nimble Wristguard 2 str (LVL22, 40 DEX requirement) a/w 5mill boomed Pirate: Weapons: Maple Gun 37 watt, 11 avoid (LVL35, no requirements) a/w 1mill Maple Knuckle 42 watt, 10 acc (LVL35, no requirements) a/w 1mill
Hi, I'll buy both crusader chainmail if they're still for sale. I'll pm you when I get online later on after work.