Just offer if the price doesnt seemed right for you, we will work something out together . Thank you . Scrolls 70% Cape For Str 70% (94) - 200k Overall armor Luk 70% (5)- 700k dagger att 70% (1)- 500k Wand for magic att 70% (99) - 500k two handed axe for att 70% (2)- 200k earring int 70% (1)- 7mil shield STR 70% (1)- anything Earring for dex 70% (85)- 5mil cape hp 70% (1)- 50k Pole arm att 70% (2)- 200k Top wear Luk 70% (1)- 6 mil Bow for att 70% (4)- 1 mil 30% Scrolls Crossbow att 30% (38)- 3 mil Claw att 30% (2)- 18mil Overall armor int 30% (1)- 28.8888mil helmet hp 30% (3)- anything Top wear str 30% (1)- 3mil Topwear def 30% (2) - LOL anything Overall armor for dex 30% (1)- 4mil glove for dex 30% (1)- offer me anything two handed blunt weapon 30% (1)- 500k 60% Scrolls Gun attack 60%(1)- 400k One handed sword for att 60% (4)- 2 mil two handed sword att 60% (1)- 2 mil wand magic att 60% (59)- 500k each cape for str 60% (1)- 200k- overall armor luk 60% (22)- 700k shoes for dex 60% (10)- anything one handed blunt weapon att 60% (14) - 300k dagger for att 60% (10)- 500k overall armor int 60% (4)- 15mil cape for luk 60% (8)- 250k two handed blunt weapon att 60% (8)- 300k claw for att 60% (3) - 1mil earring luk 60% (1)- 2mil spear att 60% (1)-4 mil cape int 60% (1)- 4mil 10% Scrolls crossbow att 10% (2)- 200k two handed sword att 10%(2)- 800k helmet hp 10% (5)- anything offer Staff magic att 10% (1)- 300k Claw att 10% (1)- 700k cape str 10% (1)- 200k. one handed sword att 10% (22)- 500k Earring int 10 % 5mil Overall int 10% 5 mil Equips- Common Green bandana 10 slot, (3) - 777k each 13dex overall bathrobe - offer me old raggedy cape lvl 25 - 15mil 4 int wooden wand.- offer me Warrior 9 str 7 dex mp 26, lvl 80 warrior glove.- offer me 9 str 6 dex lvl 90 warrior glove.- offer me 10 6 6 dex mp 21 lvl 80 warrior glove- offer me Thief 11 luk 3 dex dark pirate top lvl 80(M)- offer 5 dex 6 luk dark pirate pants lvl 80 (M) -offer HWABI throwing star (1)- offer 3 dex 8 luk dark pirate top. - offer Magician maple wand 58 tma lvl 35 0 slot- offer maple lama staff 64 tma lvl 43 0 slot- offer doroness robe (F) 8 int-offer 9 int doroness robe (F) - offer elemental wand 6 tma 145 clean- offer Maple wisdom staff lvl 64 - 86-87 TMA above average BOWMAN glove lvl 60 - 7 str 8 dex Also Sell> Low Lvl bishop leech service. All the way to cheap 2 hit ulu 2 leech whoever need HS for any bosses, HH, BF , ZAK, Krexel, anything do inbox me too. Thank you. IGN: PopeAndrewXV. pm me in game if forum is not the right place for you.