As we know Maplestory has changed a lot since the Big-Bang update, in fact most of us (including myself) quit Maplestory soon after the BB update as it wasn't the game that we'd enjoy anymore . Old school Maple was my childhood and I've met so many awesome friends and people in the game. I'm pretty sure it's the same for you guys and we all wanna meet our friends again. If you do please list down your IGN, job, world and server from the past to see whether anyone recognizes u from Royals. Good luck meeting your old friends! IGN: Ringersarrow Job: Buccaneer (Viper) World: Fornax Server: MapleSEA Please add me in-game or reply to the thread if you do know me from the past . My IGN in Royals is Elfylius.
I doubt anyone knows/remembers me but might as well try: IGN: Klongo/KingKaeru Job: Chief Bandit/Night Lord World: Windia/Galicia Server: GMS
Back in the day my IGN was (anything) Kyoyama (anything), for example: KyoyamaCat, ShadowKyoyama, DarkKyoyama, etc. Job: I was almost always a Sin World: I was a Windia, or Scania kinda girl x3
Played on this IGN before Big Bang. I was in was a sniper only guild, went by the name of IronArrows, they were pretty popular back in the day and I was happy to be a part of it. IGN: PkXSniper World: Bera Server: GMS
IGN: NoQuestions / CheckMyDex Job: Assassin / Crossbowman World: Bera Server: GMS I mostly played drop game and hung around Kerning City. Never got past level 60
IGN: SethSlayer1 Job: Chief Bandit World: Scania Server: GMS In the off chance that anyone I used to know sees this. Hallal100, SayMaDude, Goddess888, and xXShiroeXx, I still remember all of our adventures together.
Ign: Gogeta207587, Gogeta1337, Illblast, 3rdprototype job: fighter, hermit, paladin, mechanic world: scania server: gms its lit fam
I guess it's worth a shot. IGN: ZIcewizardZ, XXSinboiX, DilbertSpear Jobs: Take a wild guess World: Windia Server: GMS
IGN: MiSniper Jobs: Marksman World: Broa Server: GMS Guild: Aura (formerly Twilight, before the guild hack)
IGN : Hayate20/JuniorLee/Fockarized/Begunz/ZooHermit Jobs : cb/sin World : Bera Server : GMS Guild : Momentum (which included UNRZR and Momentum Zakum)
IGN : Taexon, Teaxon, DeewBag, Herowiene, Shootboots, Mayodevil, z255, Phosenic, Navurba, Kawaiishotz, (EMS: Sinladen) Jobs : all jobs kinda.. World : Khaini Server : GMS Guild : Whoops, Exodus, Irresitible, Hotshotz and many many more
Nice to see follow MapleSEA player from Fornax. I was from Fornax too. I'm ChinaKiD, if that rings a bell. P/S: I'm not from China, just so happen my IGN was "founded" to complete a "China" IGN "family". i.e. ChinaGirl ChinaMan ChinaKiD.
IGN : XzicezX, Kittyn64, and TimmyBW Jobs : Shadower and Dragon Knight. Kittyn64 had balanced stats and was a bandit. World : Bellocan Server : GMS Guild: I was part of Mutiny and a ton of small time guilds on both. Also was extrememly edgy late 2006-2007.
IGN: makengyoshar Jobs: f/p mage World: Bera Server: GMS Guild: A few minor guilds for the most part. Hell if I remember the names, but the people were really great. It's been 6/7 years, but I still think about them from time to time.
IGN : JornStar / FepicAil / iEatRossie /xXCiszoXx and many more.. Jobs : Hero/Drk/BM/MM/NL World : Khaini Server : GMS Guild: KamiSutra/Goomba/Valkyria/Billionaire/Offline
IGN: HoitSvR / HoitSK8 (2006 - early 2011) Guild: Paragon/Synergy/Villain JOB: Bishop&Hero -both lvl 200- f2 Worl: Scania Server GMS -some pics that make me feel good- MY WEEDING Lion King Boss First squad trying to kill PB in Scania -we failed- CWKPQ Guild video <3 (7 years ago holly demmmm)