so an hour and a half zak run with 3 attkers and one looter left turned up this. pretty worth taking offers on the selling page
Two pieces of my gear are now permanent and end game. And Baby Dizz is coming out MUCH more healthy than Daddy Dizz. Baby Dizz is basically Daddy Dizz with permanent HB.
My first z-helm ever! I have never earned a zak helm in any maple story ever. lots of time and aggravation getting one, but it finally happened. 5th times a charm.
Got to Bowmaster not that long ago, I loved hurricane so much i personally drew a picture of it myself. Pls critique.
What do I do with this delicious Deputy Star? Does it need another Chaos Scroll or should I let it be? (I got it with only two slots, by the way)
After spending ages farming the shitty miner zombie spawn on my priest and getting a couple of far below average kandivas, I happened apon an 87 attack one (9 above average). Too scared to 30% it, but I still got 6/7 60%s .