Would it be possible to make this work again? It seems like every other class has core abilities fixed except CB. There was a wave of fixes for skills when new source came out, and it's died down quite a bit since then. I feel like it's been long enough for me to vent my frustrations about it. Anyone else feeling this?
Meso explosion, Assassinate's 4th hit critical damage, pickpocket........all of them are still broken they fixed the cash shop recently, hope they will put their attention on CB soon
They said the CS was a massive under taking and that future updates should be much more frequent because that's out of the way. That said, stuff like AP resets, Shops, Character creation/account creation are all still down, among other player-wide issues such as bossing DC's, etc. I am sympathetic, but I would expect some of the bigger issues will take priority unless they throw in some bandit fixes along the way.
I have a CB, and no, I don't feel this. Sure, I'm low level and don't have assassinate yet, but I don't care about meso explosion/pickpocket/assaulter stun to the point I would say "fix this asap". In fact, I would say it should be the last on the list. Character creation, registration, scrolling and stores/ap resets are much more important than us bombing BF and getting from 70 to 130 in 2 days and bossing (which you can't do anyway now due to frequent disconnects). We will soon run out of inventory because we are gaching and farming without the ability to create mules/set a store so there are much more important things than some skills. Yeah, it kinda sucks but the game is still playable after all. I won't fly through the 3rd job in 2 days, but I still can grind, farm items and do quests. Which is more fun to do than the things I've mentioned above IMO.
The reason it has taken so long for the skills you mentioned to be correctly implemented is because they are difficult to code. Matt mentioned that meso explosion and other skills that are not functional are like that because they are quite tricky to code. He also mentioned that since cash shop is done, they can focus their time on other issues such as the ones you mentioned; skills, bosses, PQ's, bugs, etc. Only thing I can say is be patient.
I quit my CB coz I got bored of waiting. Meso Explosion dream is over. I'd say just find another way to entertain yourself. This, fam. Just find another way to entertain yourself for the time being.
Luckily I have another character to play on while i'm waiting. I would like to say to @TopKEK i'm currently at lvl 112 on my CB and it is actually impossible to get to 120 with band of thieves alone. I don't think you understand how important meso explosion and meso guard are. Even for a quite high level shadower, you can't grind on high tier mobs or bosses because of the lack of meso guard. I do think that there are higher priority things that need to be handled, but I just don't want all the CB's out there to be forgotten.
I have no idea what are you talking about. Meso guard is working fine, I can confirm that. Meso explosion is not that important, you can still play without it, somehow. Yeah i agree with you, it sucks and all but if I remember correctly corsairs ship is not working right now so it is almost the same issue..Lack of scrolling, stores and character creation are much, much bigger issues for the entire community. Besides, you can't do major bosses anyway right now. Good luck with zak when you dc every single minute. I'm even playing without a helmet on my CB because its almost impossible to get now.
Wildly incorrect. BoT sets you up to be REALLY good at any mob spot, those flying bastards near CWK for one, are especially good because you don't need to "aim", you just have to hit one thing. In GMS, it wasn't very... efficient to level using ME alone unless you had a TON of cash, or another toon to fund it with. Plenty of CB and eventual shadowers leveled solely with attacking skills. The issue is you've been spoiled by the speed of ME.
Ironman Shadower here! I agree that most of the other classes skills are functional and it feels as if CBs seem to have been forgotten. It's been over 3 months since new source came out and the sad reality is there's no efficient way to level for us. My normal training method used Bstep and ME at ToT. However without the stunning and ability to blow them up, I'm now 2-shot and wasting potions to level. The option to boss is limited by the fact partying is required, and without skills such as assassinate, Shadowers are now essentially useless. BoT training is a giant waste of time compared to ME as it's nowhere near as effective at killing mobs (hitting 5 vs. 15, not to mention the damage is way lower). It's frustrating to see every other class being able to accomplish training and returning to the grind. The reality is that new source has basically killed CBs.
Let me clear up three things: Assassinate works Meso Guard works CBs have not been forgotten or ignored. Meso Explosion is one of the most complex skills to code, as per Kevin, and he's basically said it will be a pain in the ass to code. Which is why it isnt working yet, because other things are still needed more. You can still level without ME, you can still grind or boss without it, it's just going to be a bit harder.
Since the skill isn't coded yet, would it be possible to make Meso Explosion based off of LUK as opposed to what it currently is now? Just a thought. Assuming it is not already based on LUK.