I spent a fair bit of time at FoG early on (levelling and farming scrolls) and as such prioritised PKB over Soul Arrow / Booster. Certainly a handy skill for dealing with heavy mobs.
Btw, arrow blow vs double shot is NOT preference, double shot deals way more damage because of how criticals work.
At the end of the day, you won't notice the difference (assuming defense alters the damage depending on 1 hit or 2, or not, it's too early for that kind of math), you'll stop using arrowblow/double shot mid second job when Iron Arrow is leveled, and 3rd job its all strafe/AE. I believe there is higher potential when you do the math (for double shot), but if you hit high only a couple times and mid to low for other shots, then that doesnt really put you ahead too much.
Defense does reduce damage per hit, but arrow blow does average 300% with crit, while double shot does 340%, and since double shot shoots twice, it also does more consistent damage which is a huge huge deal when training at low levels. Maxing arrow blow instead of double shot is strictly incorrect.
Considering neither are pre-reqs for skills in 2nd, 3rd, or 4th job, there are no incorrect answers. I've leveled marksman with both arrow blow and double shot and while it's anecdotal, I stand by the fact that you'll spend an afternoon or two getting to thirty, and beyond second job it's irrelevant, no one besides people concerned with 1000% highest damage output at ALL possible levels will notice. Not everyone picks class purely on damage, and the whole point is if you chose arrow blow over double shot, you don't need to remake (forgetting that you can't even make a new character currently). (there's also issues that were a part of early GMS that aren't a problem here that caused more trouble, like poor people who couldn't afford arrows going arrow blow over double shot, having such low damage that the added HMPH behind blow in a single shot let you knock back a monster that you couldn't with double shot, and that because 1 Arrow blow is a pre-req for double shot, people just went arrow blow and didn't look back)
Hey Evan, I'm going to be making my own Marksman Guide sometime soon. Wanna collaborate with me on it? I plan on making it annoyingly detailed and having lots of pictures for reference.
I've been planning this since I made my MM back in July of 2016. I just finally have enough screen shots and information to actually go through with making it all. So you gonna help me?
I know in GMS it was a lot more useful but I feel like with the maxed out inventories it's a lot less important to max soul arrow and either PKB or booster are better options first
Maybe I should add a section for player suggestions... hm Also, while, yes, you could. If just feels... meh, not needing a metric ton of arrows is so nice, and nothing you kill at these levels is dangerous enough to need to PKB, the booster part might work though. You can add 5 soul arrow and get over 2 (2.5) minutes of duration which is plenty for a while.
What about a section of equipment, scrolling and the suggested order of doing things not related to lvling and skill points. For example - currently you have different builds listed at the top of the guide but no info regarding what items to aim for with different builds and with what stat to scroll them with.
I'm going to add a section with just that. I'm still working on how to get in guide links to work, when I do I'll connect it with the AP builds. Thanks for the idea
I'm glad you found interest in adding such section. Allow me to elaborate (more than) a bit. As a relatively new player, I feel like guides such as this one are mostly made for people with little experience in game overall or at least the class. The problems such players face go way beyond how to spend skill points. That on top of every server being different raises a lot of questions that can be difficult to find answers to. So that being the case, I will list a bunch of questions that have popped to my mind while playing. Weapon, glove and zakum helmet being the most straight forward pieces of equipment, I'll base the questions on them. You mentioned that maple weapons get you relatively far in the game. So.. * As a level 5x, should you at some point attempt to loot a decent maple nishada or focus on lvling as fast as possible instead and buy it from other players once you get close to lvl 64. * What attack is considered a good maple nishada and if buying, what's the reasonable price range? * Once you get a decent one, should you scroll it (or just use it til you get a pyrope weapon instead) and if so, should you hunt x mob for the scrolls or instead buy them from players. * At what point can you consider scrolling a success - for example 5/7 and better? * Should you try to get zakum helmet as soon as possible (the moment you reach lvl 50 and have enough cash to pay for the service) or should you spend your first millions elsewhere? * Is getting a good glove more important than getting zakum helmet? * At what point should you focus on getting a good glove - if it's best to just buy one or do some quests/farm x mob for scrolls and go from there. * Are there any quests that are highly recommended to do at certain level? A good example of such would be the training dummy ones - real nice experience boost at level 50 but quite useless if you do them at level 100. * If you go for strless build, should you scroll your equipment for dex or str or something else entirely? These are the kind of desicions I personally struggle with. You don't have to go as far as to explain every single step from lvl 1-200 but having a rough guideline to follow would go a long way in helping out newer guys who don't know anything about prices and what sort of equipment you need. So yeah, this is my personal opinion of what sort of information would be very useful to new guys. Also hunting with a goal in mind feels much better than grinding 10 levels straight at some map without getting anything other than levels and money out of it. I hope this gives you a direction for further updates on the guide. That being said- as a new player what you have already written is very useful and I take my hat off to you for putting the effort in to helping out.
I don't think it's as much for keeping things away so they don't kill you as much as it's keeping things away so you can actually attack them
Updated a few chunks of the guide: Added anchors, started the item/scrolling section, fixed a few spelling mistakes, and added section in the Q/A with Raunos points which I'll get to in the near future. FoG is a map where PKB is useful, but I also found it a head-ache no matter how you slice it because the platforms got packed and it was annoying to have to PKB constantly to just have a chance at attacking, ya know? Great for Golem Tennis though.
Anyone have suggestions of where to train 60-70 as a crossbowman? Is hoodoos/voodoos any good? What about GS2? Also I've got a 91 Nishada clean, which is perfect I think? I wanna 30 it, but its my only nishada, so im scared lol.
V/hoodoos is ok, slowish exp but you can sell heartstoppers. GS2 isn't good for xbow since you can't hit the mobs from the stairs like hunters can. You can try sniping windraiders on crossroads in phantom forest or maybe even go to the WR map in CWK if you don't kill too slowly.
which place for windraiders has a better spawn? I feel I have pretty good damage/equips for my level.
I used the map above HH spawns, if you go in the right (read: not wrong) portal, you can CC and pop right back out with new mobs. I just channel surf killing and CC'ing.