Name: Ryan Age: 16 IGN: Rumor (Corsair t0-be) Alternate Character: Mankey (F/P), Primape (HS mule) Previous Guilds: I don't think I've been in any on this character, but on Mankey the ones I can remember being in are Solace, Acme, and Chakra. Ban History: One seven day ban for "botting" (it was actually just robot play or playing without being super aware or attentive, I was leeching and providing the HS with my HS mule and so I just had a wireless keyboard in bed and was pressing the HS button from there while my computer was at my desk). The ban duration is now over. Reason for wanting to join: I want to join a fun guild where I can talk to others and have a good time with a good community. Boss runs will also be helpful, as bossing is something I'll want to do in the near-future with my corsair to-be. Discord (Y/N): Yes (I don't have one yet, but I would be willing to download it after joining the guild. I also have skype). Reason for application: Stated above. Introduce yourself: As you can see above, my name's Ryan and I'm 16. I've played this game on and off for a while, at times not too active because I'm very focused on school. However this Chrismas break I was bored and decided to come back, and don't think I'll be able to stop playing. It's been a while since I was last on, and so most of my previous contacts or guilds are not active. I'm looking to join a new guild and make new friends and people to talk to, because playing the game with others is much more fun than playing it alone. I hope you guys consider my application and invite me to the guild. I'm not sure how often this thread is checked by the leader/jr. leaders, but I should be on for a while after the most recent server check so you can catch me online then. Or, if it's more convenient, you can leave the IGN's of some of the jr. leaders and I can search for them whenever I'm online and whisper/chat the ones that are online. Thanks.
Name: Elias Age: 18 IGN: Miikoto Alternate character: iLuJc Previous guilds: Believe Ban history: None Reason for wanting to join: I really want to make new friends and have a nice time playing this game. I'm searching to have fun and to remember how was enjoyable playing this game with my friends!
Thanks for applying Ryan, you've been accepted to Radio! Contact any of our leaders for an invite! (iiTragedy, injeenious, JCrew, or AhLing)
Name: Xuan Age: 20 IGN: Xuankimchee Alternate character: Xuanjjajang (upcoming DK!) Previous guilds: Weirdkids , Tempest Ban history: NIL Reason for wanting to join: Just returned to mapling, and kinda wanna join a great guild! Boss runs too plox~ Discord : Yesss
Name: Zak (Not with a um) Age: 24 IGN: FaultyReload Alternate character: RelievedSin (rarely play on it tho) Previous guilds: LoveHandles, ITSJOHNCENA, Cerulean (on my alt), Everlasting Ban history: None Reason for wanting to join: Jackson is in the guild and he is cool, he said mention him for a good time. Plus my current guild, LoveHandles, is super dead.... Has been for a while. Nobody is ever on T.T I want people to talk to and an active guild. I do have Discord, and Skype.
Name: Shanni Age: 25 IGN: Shanni Alternate character: I honestly can't keep track lol because I have a lot Previous guilds: Cozy, Invictus, Arcady (not previous guilds, but ones I'm still in...albeit Invictus being dead (Arcady is fairly recent)) Ban history: N/A Reason for wanting to join: I've actually been wanting to join for ages but haven't gotten around to applying. I actually befriended a dude called Jackson. IGN Privateer. I actually met this guy as he was about to quit (god f. dammit). He tells me how awesome Radio is and that the general atmosphere is of that of comradery and chill. Really wanting to make new friends, I kept poking him about details (haha). I am a straight forward level headed person (that's also crass) and I love chatting up about random topics. I am not a huge fan of leveling... I've played for years but not hit max level yet. However, I love helping out. I much prefer to help out someone then level I actually find this more useful of my time. As for character wise, I am qualified to go boss and other stuff. Main reason to join is I want to be part of another community other than my own. To be totally honest, I am not super active at the moment due to me being a clutz and dropping my laptop (also because I procrastinate). However, I would love to join and become part of the community first? As in, I'm told about all the shenanigans that happen at your Discord chat. And I'm actually hoping for an invite from there XD I want to get to know you guys and chat! Generally hang out! I don't wanna put an inactive character in your guild till I can fix my laptop. So if it's cool... can I join your discord chat? LOL D: D: SORRY IF THAT'S REALLY WEIRD. YOU CAN TOTALLY SAY NO! I would just love to get to know you guys more! Stupid Jackson won't shut up about how awesome you all are. WHY U GOTTA QUIT!
Name: Arthur. IGN: Kino ( DK ). Alternate Character: Ripper,Extazy ( Same level's ). Previous Guilds: Eclipse ( before sorce ). Ban History: N/A. Reason for wanting to join: i'm looking for meet new people & enjoy together. i guess when i will be hight level i can offer my help with my DK.
I will give my recommendation to Shanni also. I have known her and have been buddies for awhile. I think she's a good person.
Name: Mikey Age: 23 IGN: Mockingbird Alternate character: N/A Previous guilds: Over 3 years ago - I cannot remember. Synergy, I think. Ban history: Nada Reason for wanting to join: You guys look nice and I'm nice and I thought we could be nice together Discord: Yes Introduce yourself: Hi I'm Mikey and I just returned from a long hiatus, because I have just moved house and started a new job and found myself with free time again (woo)
Name: Leon Age: 16 IGN: SoNostalgic Alternate character: None Previous guilds: Generations Ban history: None Reason for wanting to join: I've recently just came back and I was wanting to find a guild which I'm able to have interactions between one another and create a bond while playing together. I feel like this guild is unique in many ways as it aims to have a bond with one each guild member and to get to know them better. I want to introduce myself too, My names Leon and I loved maplestory since I was 8 years old back in 2008 and joined mapleroyals about year now back in 2016. My hobbies are usually exercising or playing sports such as boxing, rock climbing or swimming but I spend most of my free time on my computer. I can Discord too most of the time. Thanks for taking your time to read all this.
Name:Hayden Age:23 IGN:IcyDark Alternate character:Nope Previous guilds:Thuglife Ban history:Nope Reason for wanting to join: Need people to talk to while im mapling, the server has changed alot
Name: Todd Age: 26 IGN: KawaiKitsune Alternate character: KazeKitsune, AizuKitsune (yes i am a fox) Previous guilds: been awhile so I can't remember exactly Ban history: N/A Reason for wanting to join: Coming back from a break that started just before the source update, wanted it stable before I played again, and I need a guild to share and make memories with. I beta tested maplestory when it first began and started on mapleroyals when it had a community of a couple dozen people. I enjoy this server and even when I go for a break, always come back.
Hi! Name: Ryan Age: 28 IGN: MrMuff Alternate character: None currently Previous guilds: Tempest Ban history: Never ever Reason for wanting to join: Mostly for socializing. Having read the guild manifesto, I feel like it's a place where I belong. I love helping others, chatting, sharing knowledge and experiences, and just having fun. I do also have hopes of doing event activities, if I'm allowed in, and participating in party training and bossing with other guild members. Just need to get a few dozen level ups first.
Hi @Hayden Chai @Zathuro @Muff ! I just wanted to apologize for the late response and also thank you guys for your interest in joining Radio. However, as of now, most of our members are currently not active in game. We do not want you guys to experience this awesome server with an inactive guild. On behalf of Radio, I think it is safe to say we are not taking applicants at the moment. Thanks for your interest, and hopefully you apply again once we are active again!
With registration now open, we are ready to begin recruiting new members. Spoiler: The plan Currently, a lot of members being busy with irl , or burnt out. The guilds in-game activity has diminished quite a bit since its start. With the opening of registration and character creation, the plan is to recruit and rebuild the guild to become part of this amazing group of individuals. Hope with the new members coming together, the core of Radio can remain the same and have a good time together. Feel free to apply !