I was just wondering if it would be possible to only charge people a 200 sunshine fee once every tree, enabling people to leave and reenter the map as they choose. My point being that people currently lose 200 sunshine everytime they enter the map, which leads to many waiting until the tree is at a higher percentage before they turn in their sunshine. I personally would like to leave my couple of thousand sunshine when the tree is at a lower percentage to speed the process up.
It's been like that for Tree and Snowblower and everything lol, it slowly increases and then once it's at like 60% it skyrockets
I agree with this 100% & don't know who the kind souls are that boost up the tree early on to get the show rolling, but thanks. I have quite a bit of sunshine to contribute but only end up using the bare minimum because I don't want to go in until she's ready to pop when I get there, otherwise it's a waste of time.
Maybe another alternative is if there's a way to display the progress before you enter. Whether it's on the site, or from Gaga. If people knew that the tree was halfway filled, or 10% filled, etc, some might be more willing to come in and dump their sunshine early on to get it moving.
You can already see the progress before entering when it confirms if you want to enter the map: https://i.gyazo.com/9ab5e64703e9e0eb9fecad18a208d789.mp4
Just wondering why I should be punished for trying to get the tree to grow, losing 200 sunshine everytime i go to dump.
How is it a "punishment" in any way at all? You're adding in sunshine to make the tree grow for everyone including yourself. If you dont want to make multiple trips then don't. Check the progress on the outside with Gaga, go inside if you want, dump it all at once. Or don't go at all. Edited: You DO know that the 200 sunshine fee goes towards the maple tree itself...right?