I've always had a problem with white/chaos scrolls being gachapon exclusive, but with prices getting a bit ridiculous. I think there should be alternatives to actually obtaining a chaos scroll. I know a lot of people may disagree with me, but it makes chaos scrolling stuff god awful. Maybe it could be a prize for jq events or something? or just adding it back to the drop table. Either way I dont think the amount of gacha-exclusive content in the game is healthy.
I'm afraid that's how it is like in official servers. No other way than gachaing. Personally I'm against it being able to be gained through other means, as it will only devalue the scrolls over time.
Is that new on official servers? I remember they dropped from zombie mushrooms, drum bunnies, zombie mushmom, panda, snowman and so on Also think it would be nice to have other means of obtaining it, even if the drop chance is very low.
My bad, didn't remember correctly. Anyway still, I don't see a possibility to it being added to mobs at all to maintain fairness for existing players who have spent tons of mesos obtaining it as it's scarce (since only from Gachapon). But maybe the other staffs may have different opinions.
If you were to make chaos scrolls drop from bosses now, the existing players that spent billions and billions would have wasted their time (and money). It's obviously not encouraging to see chaos scrolls prices sky rocket, but I think for the balance of the economy it should be kept exclusive =/
http://bbb.hidden-street.net/search_finder/chaos scroll with all your ponts being said, in my opinon, i think it should follow this drop table to some degree with being made a low percentile chance of even getting one, because only having 1-2 mob drop it is *fucking stupid* in hopes to *balance an economy* it doesnt make sense to have white scrolls from gachapon but no pink bean, whitescrolls didn't even come to global gachapon till pink bean was released. or bring in miraculous chaos so reg chaos doesnt get to where its at now which is ****ing ridiculous prices, you can't just cater to a small group of players and call that being fair
I mean the existing players that have spent billions? I'm one of them, and some get lucky. Some don't. All I'm saying is the chaos scroll system shouldn't be so punishing. And i definitely don't think it's unfair for them.
Too OP - if we are talking about GMS drop list. I mean, zombie mushrooms?! Jr neckis? These weak monsters are going to drop cs? These scrolls will be worth 1m at best, and thrown away in FM at worst. 25 att FS will be as common as 8-10 atk WGs. It is going to be like ilbis - in 2006 if you had a couple of ilbis you were the 1%, now in royals they are almost worthless because of WS being farmable af. Now imagine what will happen if we follow the chaos scroll GMS drop list... All mages are going to farm the hell out of them and break the market. It isn't fair to those who hold their wealth in ws/cs or have used cs to scroll their items. Keep it as it now.
Or make it drop from monsters which arent really good exp and are hard to farm for mages? A monster with decent hp and which is strong agaisnt holy, fire and ice?
If chaos were to be dropped from other sources besides gacha and lyka; FS, PGC and SCG will drop on price. Totally unfair for ppl who have paid 50b+ for a single item
You're going a little too fast there.. most of the mobs that drop it have TERRIBLE spawn rates, and even when added it wouldnt affect the economy as harshly as that. and to get that level of facestompers you still need to be incredibly lucky (and actually have facestompers to use it on) "in 2006" thats so arbitrary... I mean you were the 1% if you had a 10 att wg at that time. things get easier to farm as you progress through the game. And your example fails to show that they can be farmed at WS. One of the BEST training/leeching maps which also causes even more to drop. There can be precautions to mages overfarming them like putting them on mobs with worse spawn rates, or mobs that are hard to farm via gen/blizz/meteor. oh and please explain how it isnt fair to those who hold their worth in ws/cs? They're pretty stable items, but that doesnt stop the item prices from flucuating.. Should I be complaining that i sold my cs's for 300m now that they're worth 400m?? I'll say it again, I dont think the current system is healthy at all.
Ah, I remember farming chaos scrolls for a bit in official maple in the zombie mushroom mini dungeon with my bishop. I would buy a 2x drop coupon from the CS during 2x drop events. I usually did the full 4 hours. Only once did I find more than 1 chaos scroll in a single session, but I never had a session where I didn't find at least 1. I think having them drop from end-game bosses that have limited daily runs (pap, zak, horntail) at a really low rate would be good. This would prevent people from trying to farm the crap out of them. Or maybe add them to the least popular training spots in the game at a ridiculously low rate to encourage training in more maps.
Or maybe put the chaos scroll for 3-5k candles so you have to spend at least 300m to be able to obtain the chaos scroll?
Candle prices would be very different if you could buy chaos scrolls with them. Also, most people who typically sell candles would probably just keep them and farm the chaos scrolls instead. Like 95% of the players would only use their candles on chaos scrolls leading to a huge price drop.
Maybe we're playing a different game but candles are currently 200k each, so if you were to spend 3k candles on a chaos scroll you would have to pay 600m to acquire an item that could be bought for 450-500m; and with that being said, candle prices will either remain the same or drop. Furthermore, the currently inflated chaos scroll prices are a result of a lack of supply in the market which could be met by introducing chaos scrolls into the market as an event reward.