Character Name: EKSDE Last thing you did: 8th attempt on finishing lpq without anyone dcing. Why do you think you got banned?: harassment XDDDD Ban message when attempting to log in: You have been permanently banned. What GM banned you (optional):idk I only got banned on my cleric account, my other accounts are gucci. fix pls
You were banned for 3 days for being racist and making racist remarks in local chat.
We have a 0 tolerance policy for it, if you want to just be friendly like that you can do so in your buddy or guild chat with friends. Hate Speech - The act of transmitting any sort of content or acting out any scenario which could be perceived as derogatory or otherwise prejudiced towards any group of people based on their race, sex, gender, life choices, or any other division. Punishment: First offense - 3 day ban, Second offense - 7 day ban, Third offense - Permanent ban.
Where is the hate speech or racism? If you're talking about the ''ching chong ling long'' it's actually a asian phrase "Checking on everybody on the tsunami thing" originated from a video rant posted by Alexandra Wallace who attends UCLA.. the people who said all azn's are scum is not me and i hope you banned them too XD
The entire conversation was racist, you know that. It was reported to me by two different people and I witnessed it myself as well. You'll be unbanned in three days.
Alright, mind telling me what i said was racist? I only see racism from the other people and i dont see their ban appeals so im assuming i'm the only one that got banned.
eh keep the ban but it's nice to see how easily someone can abuse this reporting system just SS something out of context ez pz ban xD, You said its ok to talk like this with friends and that's who i was talking to "my friends" so no one got offended by anything as it was nothing serious but unless you're a sjw i can't see how you would get offended by that.
As I said the entire conversation was racist. The fake mocking chinese language, combined with the banter back and forth with you and the other person (Who has been dealt with accordingly as well), the "azns are smelly yellow azn noobs" - then the conversation that I screenshotted afterwards that continues on with "did you get triggered because your dick is as long as your finger?" "fat boi you haven't seen your pecker since you were 6" (Which is also under this: Inappropriate Content - The act of transmitting any sort of inappropriate content, including vulgar, obscene, fraudulent, threatening, libelous or sexually explicit materials, or alternatively transmitting any content that is privately owned. Punishment: First offense - 3 day ban, Second offense - 7 day ban, Third offense - Permanent ban. If you want to be technical. ) Your ban will last for the next 3 days and it encompasses you as a player, not just the one account. This has been decided on and will not be reversed.