I'm a weirdo and I'm fascinated by different types and forms of handwriting. I'll share mine below. I have coworkers telling me "you write like a girl" and I'm a guy. Guys and gals, show me your writing styles!
I'd say that's pretty awesome! I've been to the Independence Hall in Philadelphia since I live in PA!
How do you write so neatly and so consistently!? And this is all in pen! I wish I could be half that neat,
Thanks! Consistency is the key! I used to be very bad at writing legibly when I was in high school. You can do it!
Same here. I can write in 3 languages and all of them look terrible, starting from my mother language to English. I legit write like a monkey on crack. But I am not very "normal"/"sane" to say the least so it may be the reason.
If I write my signature 10 times on a piece of paper, an unknowing bystander would think it's 10 different people trying to copy the same signature. Meanwhile this signature is written with a mouth (by paralympic participant David Lega, not my autograph but I have one just like it).
Aw, we all start somewhere! My handwriting used to be extremely bad too, but over 3 years of college, I've written enough to get my practice in lol. That's really cool!!