I'm a cow. I'm old. I like to moo And I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you. I like to rhyme too. I actually don't see you guys in game Adding more cause yeah : I figured it would be good for me to add a bit more about myself considering most people here won't know me, and I'd like to find a few more good people to talk to. I played eMS for i don't know how long. It was a way to escape stress and depression. I wanted to get over a bad breakup, and felt like I had no-one to turn to so I started playing on eMS Kradia. Grinded away, numbing the pain, met a few good people along the way. For the most part I don't talk to these people, mainly because I never put in the effort, but I hope to change that. (Hi old deme ppl.) Thing is, I realised after a while it was because I was viewing things negatively, and when I started to view my life more objectively I felt much better about myself. Yes, I had spent a large amount of time on MS to get away, but I also wasn't wasting time that was spent outside of the game, and managed to live what I would call an interesting life. Many fun stories, whilst I generally don't share the sad ones because who likes sad stories right? Well, I'm sure we've all had our tough times. I hope we can get along I socialise through games. A lot of my hobbies promote being alone. The internet allows me to socialise even when physically alone. That being said, I enjoy meeting people in real life, and enjoy having a good time. I'm not a huge fan of movies, music, art, etc. I like doing stuff. If I'm making the movie, music, art then I'm passionate about it. Moooooooo is the name I went by. It was meant to be a mule character. My main character got hacked by some random hacker with low ambitions considering I was a broke spearman who couldn't afford pots. I'm sorry mr. hacker I tried but I just suck at this game Ironically, I had 9 mule characters of which none of them had any items. All other mule names were inappropriate or just bad, hence I got stuck with moo. I like omok. OMOK OMOK OMOK MOMK OMOK OMOK OMOK OMOK OMOK. I had 660+ wins and i think under 200 losses against the talentless server of eMS demethos (barring one or two individuals). Most of the 200 losses was caused by two people. I like travelling. I really like travelling. I'm going to show up at your doorstep uninvited, looking for a place to crash at if I'm visiting your country. I really want to get married, and I'm pretty stingy. If you don't want to marry me, hook me up with another friend of yours please. Looking forward to talking with you guys.