Oh, the feels. I went by Ryan12689, then did the name change to RyanTheLeper. Played in Scania on GMS. Terrible picture, but you can see the MotB. =D
IGN: CrewMates/Bamfist/Kinic/ChopStack Job Gunslinger/Bucc/Bandit World: Scania Server: GMS Some names of friends I remember off the top of my head: DeityRevival, FlamieXD, Peacemaker021
i don't even remember my friends from back then but worth a try ign:froggy97 job:warrior world:scania server:GMS and later EMS
IGN: AxXell1 Job: Hero World: Broa Server: GMS Guild: Castlevania Would love to see people i knew back then on here
IGN: Crazytony2 Job: i/l mage World: Mardia Server: Gms I remember annietrick and madebynature specifically since we would spend hours grinding to fight the cucked exp curve back then. Theres also this one guy who defamed me for no reason in ellenia and so i wrote his ign on a post-it and /find him the next day to return the favor it was very triggering but we became friends after lmao
Not sure if anyone knows who I am or remembers who I am on GMS. IGN: DMGXOmega Job: Ice/Lightning Arch Mage World: Kradia Server: GMS
Hahaha what an interesting name. I bet I've seen you before but I didn't know you in the past Anw good to see people from Fornax
IGN: Centenial Job: Ranger World: Scania Server: GMS Names I remember... Nento and SavageBlow. Argh it was literally over ten years ago. Also if you recognize me from DestinyMS before Nexon lawyers shut it down hit me up lol!
@Prideful This thread made me think of us <3 <3 IGN: beb0b4m4g1c (b/c tracking was a thing back then) Job: ice/lightning World: Broa Server: GMS Guild: Them/They/Crayola/Crayons
I found a Broan buddy here in Royals @iCeci IGN: xChennYx Job: Ranger World: Broa Server: GMS Guild: Unoriginal
omg I remember you alex! IGN: dragonasn2 Job: BM World: Broa Server: GMS Guild: Castlevania (Tim was the best)
IGN: Satisfying Job: Chief Bandit World: Bera Server: GMS Guild: Shinagamis Also played on EMS under Noodles or Crayons (Shadower)
FiyahPowa - NW/Scania CrustyBoxers - Hero / Bera Tapadoo - Mihile / Bera oFlaw - NW/Bera Also my youtubes MyNutsBounce if anyone remembers that from awhile ago. Was on PServers and GMS.
IGN: danman456, danman654 Job: Dragon/Dark Knight World: Mardia (CMYK) Server: GMS Guild: GameOver/Koolaid Are what I remember.
Man id love to run into friends from back then! I still remember some of them! IGNs:. StabHappy, ksyoulol, doubledlite weepingarrow... And a lot more i cant remember. I had too many alts Servers: scania windia and bellocan
iGn : Palparan Job : Night Lord World : Windia Server : GMS looking for my old guildmate from FallenStars Guild