1. Name: Daniel 2. Age: 23 3. Country/State: israel 4. IGN: Vivacious 5. Level: 143 6. Job: Bowmaster 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: A little more than a year. 8. Guild History: Dont recall any. 9. Your Goal in royals: Just hope having fun. 10. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yee
Accepted! Please contact a gatekeeper in-game to receive an invitation. Welcome to Guardians, Daniel!
1. Name: kam 2. Age: 27 3. Country/State: usa, michigan 4. IGN: hunty 5. Level: 156 6. Job: shadower 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: on and off since nov 2015 8. Guild History: radio, farmers 9. Your Goal in royals: to continue using it as a stress relief, make potential life long friends, level up, have fun 10. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: yes
1. Name: Daniel 2. Age: 18 3. Country/State: Israel 4. IGN: JordiElNino 5. Level: 98 6. Job: Priest 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: since 2015 8. Guild History: been in a few, don't remember names tho 9. Your Goal in royals: have fun, reach level 200 10. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: yes
1. Name: Amy 2. Age: 22 3. Country/State: The Netherlands 4. IGN: Amymator 5. Level: 67 6. Class: Mage Fire/poison 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: Around 3 weeks now 8. Guild History: I am in Fatality at the moment but I prefer a larger guild. 9. Your Goal in Royals: Have fun, socialise and do bosses together 10. Why should we accept you as an exception?: I am active almost all day long and love to level up and talk with others, this will eventually boost up my motivation to level up and reach the minimum requirement 11. How long will it take until you can meet with the guild requirements?: Not long. probably even in one week. 12. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes, I accept.
Accepted! Please contact a gatekeeper in-game to receive an invitation. Welcome to Guardians, Kam! Since you don't stand with the Guardians minimum requirements, please use the Guardians Exception Application Form. Hello, Amy! Thanks a whole lot for applicating. However, your level is too low for us to accept. Please make another form once you reach a higher level (100 would be good), and you will be accepted!
1. Name: Daniel 2. Age: 18 3. Country/State: Israel 4. IGN: JordiElNino 5. Level: 112 6. Class: Priest 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: since 2015 8. Guild History: been in a few but don't remember names 9. Your Goal in Royals: have fun and reach level 200 10. Why should we accept you as an exception?: because of the current 2x event, I'm sure that I will reach the minimum requirements in no time 11. How long will it take until you can meet with the guild requirements?: a few days 12. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
1. Name: Daniel 2. Age:20 3. Country/State: Chile/Santiago 4. IGN:Aroma 5. Level:121 & up (Probably 135 on 1 or 2 more days) 6. Job:Hero (Fells good to write them <3) 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: Almost 2 years. 8. Guild History: Oblivion 9. Your Goal in royals: Make perfect magician equipments. I'm atm with 10% of those.. specially the bathrobe & maple shield. Try to hit 10k range at my hero & ofc SOLO HT that's one of my dreams hehe 10. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes i do
Accepted but on PROBATION. Please contact a gatekeeper in-game to receive an invitation. Welcome to Guardians, Daniel! Accepted but on PROBATION. Please contact a gatekeeper in-game to receive an invitation. Welcome to Guardians, Daniel! So many Daniels
1. Name:Ziv 2. Age:Almost 15 3. Country/State: Israel 4. IGN: Zivvy 5. Level: 135 6. Job: Buccaneer 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: Almost 1 year 8. Guild History: Family,Nirvana,Bankapurtcy 9. Your Goal in royals:to get lvl 200? and to meet some new friends 10. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes i have read the rules and i accept them.
1. Name: KC 2. Age: 23 3. Country/State: Malaysia (GMT +8) 4. IGN: Zenning 5. Level: 135 XD 6. Class: Corsair 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: Started since 2016, quited for awhile due to studies, then back recently at may/june 8. Guild History: Joined a guild before and that guild was dead when i return lel. Hope to find a guild that can bring me to bosses XD 9. Your Goal in Royals: to lv200 of course!! and have fun bossing using my noob corsair! 10. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
♜ Guardians Application Form ♜ 1. Name:Justin 2. Age:15 3. Country/State:US, Tx 4. IGN:LineMan 5. Level:122 6. Class:Shadower 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals:A year 8. Guild History:Lotus 9. Your Goal in Royals:Be #1 10. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes/No Yes
Accepted! Please contact a gatekeeper in-game to receive an invitation. Welcome to Guardians, zenning!