Hey Everyone, This KSing is bannable feature of the server is good. But free map sharing was a fun part of maplestory in some cases and I think can still be offered on this server as well. Sometimes you just want to train on a map where other people are training as well because there is a bigger spawn. Or sometimes you are too weak to use the entire map so you want a small piece of a map. Or in other cases, you're at 90% and just want to borrow a map for 5-10 minutes to hit that level. Why not satisfy all this by making all maps on ch1 be Free For All maps where anyone can come and attack monsters as they please? This would be kind of, what HHG1 used to be in the populated old days of GMS. This in my opinion would be a very nostalgic experience. Anyone can come and attack to get part of the map's exp output, and anyone can camp the map to grab loots etc. In the old days, it was rare for someone to get banned for KSing because of how populated the servers were. (This could be a great reminder of the old days) Remember when you'd come to HHG1 to watch those strong players show off their 3rd job skills? : D What do you guys think? Is it cool if we sacrifice 1 channel of our KS-free maps for this experience? (OR Maybe GMs will consider adding 1 more channel for this cause) -Oldie
I personally dont like this idea, the server isent over populated there is no need to steal other peoples maps.
It wouldn't be stealing it would be sharing. I'm sure there's tens of people trying to get into a popular training map but end up waiting doing nothing wasting time until a free ch comes up. This would give these players a map to kill on while they wait for a channel. If you really think about it, kill stealing in reality doesn't exist as its definition implies in maplestory. Exp is distributed based on how much % of the hp you deduct from an enemy. Everyone gets exp. Now these sort of maps could definitely help encourage more players to party! Think about how much exp HS adds in a party of 6.
Im still against this idea, if i can do the map by myself or with just me and a friend i dont not want someone else in my map. If you refuse to train on any map that is not a popular map then your the one only one whos losing out. You can spend hours to wait for a popular map or level up once or twice in that time somewhere else while every few hours checking to see if the map you want is free. I think this would actually cause more fighting and it wouldent be right to force people to party up when they enjoy playing alone or with just a friend. Btw just throwing this out there GS2 IS NOT THE ONLY MAP PEOPLE, for gods sake you can train somewhere else!
I vote no, I have plenty reasons as to why but writing it all down all of my thoughts would make it such a long post I would get logged out for inactivity when I attempt to submit it. EDIT: I could answer it over a call or something but I wonder if you guys have some kind of official teamspeak server or something. Have yet to come across it unless I'm totally blind.
I will try to explain with edits so I don't get logged out. First of all, that would only make it so that all the popular maps on ch1 will be overpopulated with 30people and even if the map is so big with many mobs per block it would still end up being those with highest dmg and longest range AoE getting most xp and people fighting over all the mobs because let's face it even if it's big it can't handle 30 people. You will be lucky to get 1-3 mobs from that place every time they respawn. The reason is why mobbers like places like gs2 that is meant for multiple people is the fact that it's suppost to fit multiple people. Effective funded mobbers are considered multiple people farming at the same time due to them being able to take out so many mobs that's why people sell leech or sell maps on maps like gs2 due to mobs beings so many and giving high xp per kill. EDIT: You would be better of at farming red snails on an empty map rather than going to gs2 on ch1. The end result is the same, people would rush ch2-8 then sell leech/AoE farm or sell the map, flooding/spamming the chatbox with annoying smegas and the KSing problem would still remain even with cc1 being free for all which makes the cc1 useless because too many people and each person doesn't get enough mobs to kill so people will head over to other cc's and KS. You've done nothing, only made it worse by ruining cc1 for people that want to level effectively. Also having so many people in one channel fighting for mobs(did you hear that? yes, I said fighting) will also cause them to fight not only over mobs also over each other verbally causing verbal abuse and bunch of new posts on the forums for GM's to waste time on.(I'm far from done writing this thing). EDIT2: Next thing is that this problem is hard to solve due to that people keep spamming about gs2 about smegas and people think it's the only good place to farm due to it almost the only map being talked about(I know this due to personal experience). When I first came to the server I thought heading over to gs2 would be the best thing for my spearman(I soon regretted that when I found out FoG was making me get way more xp). I friend told me about FoG which is usually not taken on all channels(although happens from time to time), it has about 3-5 channels taken normally but the thing is that FoG is fit for more 1-2 people due to having multiple floors, there is no AoE in the game that can hit all floors simultaneously and also gives about only 200xp less per mob than gs2 and it is packed with mobs so for spear mans like me who can't hit two floor at same time(or else I would go gs2 like all clerics do) I found out it was a really great spot as it was never overcrowded and almost always free channels and dropped amazing warrior gear yet there are many many more maps like FoG which I can't remember the name of right now but that I do recall hearing about that people don't even consider due to the first thing hearing when coming to the server is head to gs2 after lvl 51 due to all the popularity from all the spamming they hear all the time and is also a reason why this KSing problem and channel selling has grown a lot more(selling maps on all the channels is just stupid imo, no one should own a map and make profit from, if you aren't going to farm there then leave and let someone else have it. Don't fking sell it before you log out). EDIT3: One way to solve is to make guides that not only include the most popular training spots because that is just begging for encouraging KSing and also solve this smega spamming that causes these unnecessary problems. Also make a rule that if you see that a person/group obviously aren't big/strong enough due to low level, unfunded, too small group or not big enough AoE on maps that have many mobs in one place(which is why i mentioned AoE as a factor to deciding this) to kill more than half of the mobs to let that person farm there as half of the mobs aren't even being used because they can't kill mobs faster than they are being spawned(this shouldn't be applied to boss maps). I have no solution for boss KSing as I haven't done any bosses/mini-bosses/mobs strong as bosses and that gives a lot of exp/drops like bosses and experienced any of these kinds of KSing so I'm leaving that problem to the more experienced players to decide who have more in-depth knowledge over that segment of this topic.
Well that's your opinion, you can always be on Channels 2-8. Or 9 if they add one and then this doesn't even affect you. Could you agree that this wouldn't be an issue if it didn't affect the amount of non KS-able channels? What if you're doing a quest and you need to kill some monsters for it and collect lootables, all the channels are occupied? Now you'd have channel 1 to do the quest on. Sure it would be slower than if you had your own private channel but it still would be better than nothing!
Off Topic Hey Digestive, depending on the browser you use, it may save your form information. For example if I fill out a field such as thing one in firefox, then navigate away from the page, I can still go back and everything I wrote will be there from the last auto-save. (Only once did it not bring back my ENTIRE post out of maybe 30 times I've wrote posts) Another thing I do when writing lengthy posts is I winkey + r "notepad" and temporarily paste everything I wrote there. But when I get logged out and log back in, the website forum forwards all that I wrote and the post does get submitted. (maybe a new forum feature you weren't aware of?)
BTW Everyone, you're automatically assuming this is all for GS2. NO. I did not intend this to be based off of training at GS2! I thought this idea could help bring community together, and continue with ch1 being a community channel just as it is for FM etc. Usually when you are on ch1 in GMs it is because you want to be on a channel with more people and find people to train with. I could be talking to my friend and be like. Well cya mate I'm going to go to ____ ch1 to look for a group party! Have fun! My suggestion is that Channel 1 be a togetherness channel where people everywhere find people to party with and do stuff together! Unfortunately having KS protection on ch 1 training maps does not allow this. P.S Please leave all discussion about GS2 Issues out of this thread!
Thanks mate, unfortunately I have tried this before and it might be because I'm using safari on my MacBook Air because I don't have this issue on my PC(it's occupied by my brother so I can't write on it now.) They could always update it so that it detects when you are typing so you don't get recognized as being inactive or something, I have no idea how that works since I don't have much knowledge about scripting.
Actually if a Forum Moderator could Rename my thread to something like, Community Building Feature Request: Channel 1 FFA I sort of started on the wrong foot bringing it up as KSing. Thanks! -Oldie
Mobile so I haven't read the whole thing yet but I vote no. Where is people's common courtesy? If someone comes into my map and they say "can I just kill for 5 minutes so I can level?" I generally don't mind, I'll use that time to check tumblr or go repot/recharge. What's so hard about just being kind? It's like going to newties and there's a bishop taking top/mid and someone on bottom. If you just ask nicely "may I please snipe that one monster?" then what's the harm in letting them?
Can't see edit button on here but also: the only time I've declined sharing a map was when I was quite literally racing a friend to level 70. We made a bet in guild chat that I wouldn't level before (something like ) 7 am, and so when I was 69 and 90% I declined so I could finish. But I told them I would be done as soon as I leveled and they could have the map after. Map Sharing just boils down to courtesy IMO.
Thank for the feedback, I hope you read the whole thing when you're at home though, to better understand what I am trying to put forward.
I skimmed through the thread because I don't have much time right now, so I apologize if what I said was already brought up, but wouldn't this take away a channel for those who actually want to train? Under this rule channel one would become a KSing channel and attract the trolls who want to KS for shits and giggles. That would make others want to steer clear, giving them one less channel to be able to grind on. Rather than solving any problems I think this would cause more. There's already a crunch for popular finding spots, and people often don't like sharing a map because it'd be more effective for them to solo. So with people wanting to solo taking up a channel, this KSing channel, and the growing player base there will be less options for people who don't want to be bothered. And you may not intend it to be a KSing channel, but it will become one. There's already a KSing problem when it's not allowed in any way. So you give people a channel to KS and they'll readily take it. KSing will lead to trolling, trolling to harassment, harassment to reports the GMs shouldn't have to deal with.
No you would be removing 1 channel away from everyone who likes to train alone or just with a buddy and matt has already said there will not be any channels added right now and if there were honestly i wouldent want it to be that type of channel. I completley agree with this.This baiscially sums it all up!