Selling ~ Equips: Rat Mouth 8 DEX 0 Slots --------- A/w by MillaBassett Rat Mouth 4 DEX 5 Slots --------- C/o none Bathrobe (M) 26 DEX 0 Slots --------- C/o none PGC 5 w.att 0 slots --------- C/o none Bathrobe (M) 17 INT 0 Slots --------- C/o none Single Earrings 7 INT 13m.att --------- C/o none Green Bandana 19 INT ----------- SOLD (320m) Chairs : Heart Cloud Chair x2 --------- C/o none Cat's Love Chair --------- SOLD (250m) Beautiful Music Chair --------- CC/o 150m by AdultToys Scrolls : ALOT OF 30% And 70% just name what scroll you want + your offer
Sad news turns out i only have one 30% Crossbow scroll. Which u can have for free lol. ign Donors. will be on 2morrow (didnt expect to be this busy today)
Sorry but i dont accept that offer. The c/o remains 300. Selling it today. Only accepting offers of theyre atleast 20m higher than other offers