I quit a while ago due to there being so many issues with the server, so I was pleasantly surprised when I saw things working (moderately) well again. However I saw players online today to be 1000+, at one point, 1500+. Is this accurate? I find it hard to believe there are so many people on this server even after all the issues that plagues it constantly (no offense, this is just a fact, though I understand and respect that the staff puts in an incredible amount of time in maintaining the server).
In 2016 the server reached over 2000 online during 2x. I would say 1000+ is still a very believable range for this year's 2x. You also have to remember that people like to afk on their mules, so that also skews the player online total.
Well technically there is a reason to lie, to make it seem like the server is still thriving and full of players when basic features are barely functional so you can try to keep the players you do have left.
well, when you can't find a map at ulu2 or skele and almost instantly full on all channels during cake event.I trust the number rather than my math.
We won't stoop to such level to trick the community. The player base is increasing due to features being promptly reimplemented, and mind you account creation and char creation has also been re-enabled if you aren't aware of it. At the end of the day, it's up to you to believe if the number is real or not. To us, it definitely is. Maybe if I'm allowed, I will do a online count of each channel, take a screenshot, compile it and upload it here just to prove that our numbers are valid.
To add onto that, take a look at our GTOP100 votes. The number of votes per day can sometimes serve as a pretty good indicator of a server's player presence. The number at any given time is 100% real, not inflated or deflated.
To be honest... When I returned after my hiatus two months ago, I thought this server was dead because FM was deserted. So I understand what you mean. Turns out everyone was just grinding because the merchants are still in progress lol. But yeah, those numbers seem pretty accurate from my experience. The event and double exp also probably has a lot of people active moreso than usual.