Some of you may know that BannedStory, the website that had Maple Simulators had (probably) shut down, since it's been down for about a month now. Does anyone know any alternative Maple Simulator that I could use to create poses of members in the guild thread? I know that there is a downloadable version of Maple Simulator v3.0, however, that version doesn't feature the new hairstyles, eyes, clothes, etc that MapleRoyals has.
Jordan, check Sila's first post, the instruction on to how to download and set up the simulator is there.
It's like 3 clicks and you're done. Not much more work than going to the bannedstory site, finding the right simulator, checking the boxes you want/don't want...
Better than having no simulator. Thanks again Dena (and Sila for the translation). EDIT: the momiji file I had earlier was all in Japanese, didn't know there was an English version.
Im quite sad that bannedstory is down. I have used it to compare different versions and for my mapleclicker project. The project Im doing require the resources of the game, not just the characters. I use HaSuite (HaCreator & HaRepacker) to load a map to look up all the objects used, then I download from bannedstory (or use the HaRepacker) all the object that I then use in the project to show the map and animation etc. The problem is that HaSuite is not compatible with the newer version of maplestory. That means Im stuck with the older versions of maplestory. It is possible to download Bannedstory3, but its just for the characters, I assume Bannedstory4 is the same. I would love a program to load all version of maplestory!
well, that one I already know, and its just to create chibis. but its a good one nevertheless. another "program" that is good is MapleStory GM Client, unfortunately is more like a test-client to play around, not to extract stuff. but it is very well made: