hello, I have level 147 Dark Knight, and I'v already maxed zerk, stance, beholder and mw (9 in mw). So my question is, whats next? In new source update #34, its written that hex of the beholder wont override potions, and as I see in hidden street bbb, this skill provides attack form level 20. However, Achilles can be very helpful too even from the start, in contrast to Hex of the beholder - I'll need to wait at least untill lvl 154 (level 22 in the skill) in order to gain ATT from it. Another question regarding Hex - How much ATT it provides when its maxed? Thanks for your time~
Around 26att if I remember correctly. Getting hex of the beholder to lvl16 is enough to get the accuracy buff. I'd stick with achilles first, it's not like you need the accuracy that badly at your level. The attack buff from hex doesn't stack with attack potions either.
Thanks alot for your answer. In new source update 34 its said, and I quote: "Dark Knight’s Hex of the Beholder will no longer override buffs or potions if the buff or potion gives higher stats." Does it mean that hex of the beholder's att is now stackable with att from buffs and pots?
Nope, it won't stack with other pots. It just does not overrides your potions. e.g: if you'll use a potion that is higher than 26 ATT then the skill won't activate the buff for attack while it'll still give you acc/def/magic def/avoid. and for your main question, achilles first imo