Credits to @vivianana for making this fcking epic ass application. far out u da best APPLICATION FORM: NAME: IGN: COUNTRY/TIMEZONE: JOB/LEVEL: ACTIVENESS ON A SCALE OF 1-10: WORST DAD JOKE:
NAME/IGN: Yaqzan/yaQz COUNTRY/TIMEZONE: Singapore/+8 GMT JOB/LEVEL:Bowmaster/186 WORST DAD JOKE: Every time my dad sees something disgusting, he says ew yaq... Jk thats not a joke bye
NAME/IGN: nineteen98 COUNTRY/TIMEZONE: pst canada JOB/LEVEL: 36 lukless cleric god WORST DAD JOKE: WORST DAD JOKE
Name/ign: delusions(l=i) Country/Timezone: peru(south america)/utc-5 Job/level: cleric/31 -started to play today Worst dad joke: ms it's a simple game
NAME/IGN: Mat/RawrsForEver COUNTRY/TIMEZONE: Canada/ UTC -6 JOB/LEVEL: Crusader/97 WORST DAD JOKE: Before my dad left he handed me a burger and whispered into my ear... "It's a bison burger"
NAME/IGN: Tzee COUNTRY/TIMEZONE: Canada/PST JOB/LEVEL: Bishop/132 (Dedicated BS for Bossing) WORST DAD JOKE: What's Forrest Gump's password? 1forrest1
NAME/IGN: Ksyc COUNTRY/TIMEZONE: Malaysia ; +8GMT JOB/LEVEL: Cleric 46 WORST DAD JOKE: 'dad fell down' dad you alright? No son I'm half-left.
NAME/IGN: JCM800 COUNTRY/TIMEZONE: Singapore GMT+8 JOB/LEVEL: 80 spearman WORST DAD JOKE: The tomato family was out for a walk. Baby tomato, being tired, was lagging behind. What did Papa tomato say? Spoiler KETCHUP!
hehehe I liked your joke. accepted! please whisper Pranavv, SlickTBH/TooSlick or haute in-game to receive your invite! adadgjhfgajk LMAOOOOOO YOU'VE BEEN ACCEPTED! PLEASE WHISPER PRANAVV, SLICKTBH/TOOSLICK OR HAUTE IN-GAME TO RECEIVE YOUR INVITE FANKS no YOU ketchup. accepted! whisper Pranavv, SlickTBH/TooSlick or haute in-game to receive your invite
NAME/IGN: William/Koyomix COUNTRY/TIMEZONE: USA, EST JOB/LEVEL: F/P Mage/137 WORST DAD JOKE: How do you make a Kleenex dance? Put a little boogie in it!
Accepted! PM Pranavv, haute, or SlickTBH in game hahahaha that pun. Accepted! PM Pranavv, haute or SlickTBH in game
NAME/IGN: ixPokka COUNTRY/TIMEZONE: Singapore GMT +8 JOB/LEVEL: Bishop 124 WORST DAD JOKE: MOM: "How do I look?" DAD: "With your eyes."
HIYA YOUVE BEEN ACCEPTED!!! please whip OkayKelly/QuackersMoo, Pranavv/Pluripotency, haute or TooSlick/SlickTBH ingame to receive your invite!!
NAME/IGN: xaznsasukex1 COUNTRY/TIMEZONE: Aus GMT +10 JOB/LEVEL: NL 128 WORST DAD JOKE: me pls i am only noob