game certainly needs a meso sink. maybe having expirable mushies costing meso might be a good idea to relieve the economy. in that way mesos will be more in demand and prices for equips will generally start to decrease due to less meso in the overall economy.
My 0.02, NPC selling WS and CS may impact the market way too much, but making AP reset and SP reset available in NPC for mesos will sink great amount of mesos without drastically ruined the market (relative to NPC WS/CS).
Also just an one-off reference data point. I did a +1505 ticket pure shine gach run, and I only got 4 chaos scrolls. Either I have the worst luck possible, or that's about 0.265% chance for a chaos atm.
I can think of two possible reasons for this: 1. Not a lot of players have fully returned due to the fact that the game is still incomplete (no merchant, ht, etc). Therefore less people voting and gaching. 2. People are underestimating the sheer amount of nx coming into the game via bossing prior to the new source. I'd be really surprised if cs/ws maintained their prices after leaf drop from bosses is re-implemented.
I know it will never happen but I feel as though an NPC with "Untradable" versions of ws/cs at 400m each for a month or two would help quite a bit. The market price would be forced down to 400m if anyone wanted to sell them, making them "affordable" as well as taking what I would expect to be a huge amount of mesos out of the system. After a few hundred billion messos have been taken out, take the npc away. Any ws/cs bought from the npc cant be used as currency for if the prices ever do rise again, which removes investment opportnities. Idk... like I said it will more then likely never happen no matter how devastating a sink it could possibly be...
Here is another crazy idea. Not really a fix but implement a way to monitor the ratio of active players each 24hr vs. net mesos each 24 hours. This will give GM really important data on how each events and patches affect the game. After gathering this data long term the GM will have a much better idea on how to balance mesos long term instead of short term throw in the dark fixes. Just an crazy idea of mine.
Posted a thread talking about this and asking for a NPC that sells and buys WS/CS a couple weeks ago when WS/CS were going for 350/450m. Many said they were coming down in price very soon.....and now they are 400/500m and rising by the day. What used to take 3 hours of leech now takes 5 hours, big discouragement for players like me that cant dedicate many hours a day to play to keep on playing as it now takes almost double the time as before to achieve certain items. Even with stores and owls, etc. prices wont come down much (if they do at all). Seems people dont take into consideration that new prices have been fixed and its a known economic law that agents are resistant to lower prices, even when suplply is increased. A really considerable increase in supply or decrease in demand would have to happen for people to reconsider a new price. Making a NPC that sells/buys WS/CS for a fixed price would solve all these problems. Said it before and saying it again. I really dont understand why this option faces any resistance when its a win/win for everyone. (In b4 "not nostalic bro", like if WS/CS were ever nostalic lmao).
Your statement doesnt apply for Royals economy. Given that there is a max amount of mesos allowed for each individual trade, an item/s have to be established as the go-to currency when items that are worth more than that amount (2.147b) are traded. These items happen to be WS and CS. I dont know if you are aware but meso income per hour (being leech the primary and most stable source of income) is pretty much fixed and doesnt variate as WS/CS prices are doing now. This only means peoples time is getting less and less worthy by the day. Your argument would make sense if an infiinite amount of mesos were permitted to be traded in a single transaction, which doesnt happen. Other items value may variate but that doesnt matter given they are not the go-to items for these type of trades. Making a NPC sell/buy WS/CS for a fixed price would solve this problem. People would know at how much their time is valued and the only variable distinct from one player and the other would be luck. What this kind of inflation does is only discourage people who cant dedicate endless hour of playing to keep on playing.
everything else is being inflated too even if its just a tiny bit, its the same logic for making WS/CS sell/buy WS/CS, you could drop WS/CS price, but other items would still be inflated meaning too much mesos in the market, people would just find another solution to trade higher quantities of mesos EDIT: I keep telling but nobody believes, meso value didnt change that much, its just that there isn't those area boss glitches where people could gather millions of NX in a single day, so the supply of WS/CS dropped by a LOT, low supply and high demand = higher prices
The problem doesn't end with removing mesos from the system. Chaos scrolls and White scrolls are worth what they are worth because everyone needs them to upgrade. If 90% of the mesos were drained, Chaos scrolls and White scrolls would still be the most in demand items. The only difference would be that the numbers would be smaller.
That's exactly it. Right now the main currency of the game loses its value and that causes Inflation, and if left untreated it will only harm the economy and make it even worse than it is. The solution for the inflation is making meso worth more than it is today, - hence meso sink.
I think some part its the event that is causing the mesos boom and there is no HT atm so none of those skill books to boom people hard earn mesos hopefully ht comes back soon and more people is back to shrine and nlc for gach
If people are scared that a NPC selling white/chaos scrolls would hurt the market with there being no point buying from another player, we could implement a cooldown on the scrolls purchase time. The cooldown could be 1 week or something which removes the dependency on the NPC as the only way to obtain the scrolls. The scrolls would need to be also untradeable so it would only be used as a meso sink and a means to scroll items. A level limit would need to be implemented to reduce the amount of scrolls being purchased from one single person. This still can be abused if people have multiple accounts but atleast it acts as a meso sink without completely making gaching for these scrolls pointless.
Best way is either the sink mesos or another system close to CS or WS. WS closest system we know is CCS. As for CS, no idea
I like the idea of adding AP resets to the NPC's instead of buying through Cash Shop. People spend a couple of billion typically on one character through AP resets, so surely this is a good way to sink mesos? Especially since everyone jumps onto the HP wash bandwagon (although few go all the way to 30k). One downside would be that starters can't generate early income from these and would have to wait till level 50 to Gachapon (although this could mean more supply of CS/WS into the economy if they gach at NLC or Shrine). Even if someone managed to duplicate AP resets, the impact of that compared to duplicated CS/WS is nothing. What could that person do? Get 30k HP characters for free? Nothing compared to injecting bulk perfect items into the economy. Just my 2 cents.
Maybe a potential change could be to make an NPC vendor for a "worse" version of Chaos Scrolls, like 50% chance of success, and the changes only go from -4 - 4.