-EDIT- It has come to my attention that my images are broken. I will fix them later. Sorry for the inconvenience it has caused. To all my aspiring chefs out there who play Royals, now is our time to shine! Let's help our fellow Royalers out with some super simple, delicious recipes to help their taste buds soar to new heights! I'll start it off with a delicious and simple ramen recipe! There are many different types of ramen. Miso, shoyu, etc. I'm unsure how to categorize what I make, but it sure is good! For today, I made a vegetarian ramen because that's just how I like to eat. You're more than welcome to add meat as you see fit. As with all my recipes, there's always room for improvement and I welcome suggestion! I'm only going to give you the ingredients for the broth because that's the difficult part. It took me more than a few tries to get it even partway flavorful enough to post online. For the toppings I used, there's spinach (forgot to put it in the picture), green onions, cilantro, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, and some tofu. I cooked the tofu in some hot chili oil and soy sauce. I added a few drops of liquid smoke because why not. Cooked until relatively firm on both sides then set aside. And of course, my favorite part, hardboiled egg. By the way, I added a picture of ziplock steamer bags. They seriously are the best thing ever. Highly recommend them. Makes life infinitely easier. And here it is!! 2 cups vegetable broth 1 1/2 cup water 1/4th cup soy sauce 3 tsp fish sauce 3 tsp chicken bullion 3 minced garlic cloves (I love me some garlic) A shake or two of liquid smoke A glob of hot pepper paste A dozen shakes or so of hot chili oil The first step is to get your noodles cooked. I cook them in a separate pot to avoid getting the starch into the broth. If you need ideas for noodles, dried buckwheat noodles are pretty good. If you want something fresher go to an Asian market and grab something from there. That's where I got mine. Cook the noodles in boiling water for 5 minutes or so or until desired firmness is reached. Drain when done. While those noodles are cooking, get a separate pot and heat it up on medium heat. Add those shakes of the chili oil, garlic, and the glob of pepper paste and stir it around until the garlic is fragrant. Afterwards add everything else and cook it on medium low heat for about 5-10 minutes or so. Get a spoon and taste it now and then and add whatever you feel it needs more of. If it's too salty, add another 1/4th cup of water until it's good. Not spicy enough? Add something to bring the heat. The world is full of possibilities! Now that everything is all done and ready, get the biggest bowl you got. Put the noodles in first! This will help you gauge how much broth you'll need to add. If you put the broth in first you might make the bowl overflow. After, add your toppings in a way that looks as fancy as you're willing to go. Then pour broth in slowly until it covers 3/4ths of the contents in the bowl. Take an additional glob of pepper paste and stick it on the side of your bowl! And you're done! Easy pease lemon squeezey!!! A big ingredient you'll find in most recipes is some ginger. I'd normally ad some but I was too lazy to go to the store just for that. If you get it, you would add it in the beginning with the garlic. Spoiler: Pictures Spoiler: End Result I will personally add more to this thread from time to time.
I just moved out to my own place so I need to incorporate a fuck load of chicken recipes into my diet. Any good quick simple ideas? @RelievedSin
Grilled chicken breast is always simple and easy. It's pretty healthy too if you do it right. Otherwise garlic parmesan sauce for chicken is amazeballs. Cut some chicken into thin, small strips and throw it in a salad. Chicken and rice is a winner, served with some lentils or something. If you want, you can even throw some cheese slices on chicken and make a grilled chicken and cheese sandwich. Just make sure you precook the chicken first for that one haha Hope that helped~
Thanks bro, noted. I'm too used to fried chicken like KFC and shit. My brain almost can't compute chicken any other way at times. Will give it a go
I'm no chef, but being someone who likes to watch most of what they eat, I use chicken every day. I usually cook enough for 5-7 days, and my go to right now is.. 1-2 cups of rice 5-6 chicken breasts chopped 1 yellow onion 1 uhh garlic? (The whole thing) 2 bell peppers 1-2 cans of kidney beans 1-2 table spoons of mustard 1 jar of rosè cream sauce Grab a large skillet, lightly oil it and cook the chicken. Toss in the onion, garlic, and pepper and cook them to your liking. Then add in the cooked rice, beans, mustard and sauce, simmer for 10 minutes and she's done. Nice high protein, high fibre, and low carb meals for the week as well as only a couple dirty dishes.
Excellent addition! And so you know, when you split the garlic into individual pieces, those are called cloves of garlic.
haha I knew that I'm just unaware of the term for a whole garlic, now that I'm saying it it sounds dumb cause I imagine it's just called a garlic
Alrighty everyone! Faulty's back with a brand new recipe for you all! Today's item is going to be Black Bean Burgers! Following the same format as my last recipe, because I'm essentially vegetarian, we have some good, wholesome ingredients to be used today! This one takes a bit of prep time, as it takes a while for the burgers to set, but it's a pretty delicious blend of spices and is totally worth the wait! And now, the ingredients list! (Yields 4 servings) Quarter of an onion (1/4th) 2 cans drained and rinsed of black beans 4 gloves of garlic 1/2 cup of instant oatmeal 1/2 a package of extra firm tofu (7.5 oz) 1 tsp of the following: Chili powder, cumin, liquid smoke 1/2 tsp of the following: garlic salt, black pepper 1/2 tbs sugar You have a few options of what you can do here. If you're in a hurry, or just unmotivated to do so, throw everything into a food processor and hit the blend button until it comes out all nice and smooth. The second, and tastier option, is to mince the garlic, onions, and tofu and cook it in some olive oil until the onions are translucent and the garlic starts make your kitchen smell like absolute deliciousness! Then throw everything into the processor If you don't have a food processor, no worries! Just get a spoon and mask the beans by hand, make sure you cut everything into small enough pieces and ensure that the spices are evenly spread throughout the mix. Once you have everything in a sexy looking glob of awesome, evenly split the mix as best as you can into 4 burger blobs. I like to put them on saran wrap and just fold it over itself a few times to completely wrap it. After you got your patties formed, the next step is to put it the freezer for approximately 30 minutes, to give the patties time to set and retain their form. Once the time is up, take them out of the freezer and place them in the refrigerator to store for later use, or start heating a pan and get ready to eat! Spoiler: Formed burger patties You're going to want to cook these bad boys in the oil of your choice that can withstand higher temperatures. I personally used flax seed oil for that slight additional benefit of those omega 3 and 6's, but you're free to use whatever you prefer Once you finish cooking the first side, this is a perfect time to add the cheese you're going to use on top of the freshly cooked side, as shown Spoiler: here. Doing this will help the cheese melt a little bit and make each bite more gooey! I used fresh mozzarella cheese for my burger, as it's one of my staple cheese choices and a favorite of mine! Once your patty is cooked and ready to roll, plop it on your choice of bun or wrapping with your favorite condiments and toppings! I personally used a hummus spread that I made myself as the sauce, spinach, green onions, and cilantro for my greenery, and red onions to top it off! I also steamed a side of broccoli and put a pinch of salt, pepper, and crushed red peppers on it for additional flavor! Spoiler: The end result! Whatever you decide to use though is entirely up to you! If you're looking for something cheesier, an option you can do is to form your burgers around whatever cheese you decide to use! Condense the cheese in your hand and try to form either a small, flat ball, or a more round disk shape. You would put a small layer of the burger mix down, put the cheese on top of it, and cover the cheese with a second layer of the burger mix. This way when you're cooking your patty, there's cheese melting on the inside of it, giving you a delicious surprise when you bite into your meal! I hope all of you who try this find it as enjoyable as I did! As always, happy cooking Royalers! Stay healthy!
I was talking to @tyshyds about this last night, so might as well post the recipe. Hungarian Chicken 1-1/2 lbs. chicken hearts or boneless, skinless thighs 1 lg. white onion, finely chopped 1 T hot paprika 1/2 t. each salt and finely ground black pepper 1/2 stick (4 T) unsalted butter 3/4 c. water, kept handy at all times 1 envelope Maggi Magic Sarap (found in the Filipino section of an Asian market) Melt butter in a Dutch oven or deep pan. Add the onion and sauté on medium-high heat until slightly brown. Add the paprika and stir, sautéeing for 10 seconds. Carefully add the chicken. Cover; cook on medium heat for 1 hour, checking every 5 minutes for thickness. When the cooking liquid is thick enough to be at risk of burning, add 3/4 cup water and whisk well, then re-cover. At the last addition of water, add the Magic Sarap, salt, and pepper. Let this liquid reduce without adding more water, and remove from the heat immediately when thickened to a saucy consistency. Serve over gnocchi, egg noodles, or mashed potatoes.
Steak with Trade Winds Sauce (I invented this recipe, so if you make it, tell me what you think!) 2 steaks of your choice (I like thick cuts sirloin or ribeye with a little marbling for this) salt and coarsely ground black pepper to taste 5 T unsalted butter, divided 2 T fresh tarragon and/or dill, or 1 T dried 2 t. coarse Dijon mustard juice of 3-4 Key limes or 1 lemon (roughly 1/3 c.) 1/4 c. chicken stock (don't use beef broth!) Season steak with salt and pepper. Heat 2 tablespoons of the butter in a 12-inch skillet over medium heat until spitting hot. Add the steak. Cook to taste. Remove the steak to a plate, reserving the pan drippings. Cover loosely with foil to keep warm. Add the herbs, Dijon mustard, and citrus juice to reserved pan drippings and whisk well to combine. Sauté for 15 seconds. Stir in the stock. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer until thickened, whisking constantly. Add the remaining butter. Return steaks to pan and toss lightly to coat. Serve with saffron yellow rice or gnocchi. @DzKnight Ooh man, I'm such a bad photographer. No one would ever make it!
Hello everyone and today I'm back with a new recipe to add to your collection! Today's addition was special requested by @Fornisa who follows me on Snap Chat and saw a recipe for hummus I made and asked me to share my recipe. If you too want to follow me on Snap Chat, I'm pretty boring and mostly post food pictures I make to my story, but every now and then I have something funny to share Spoiler: My Snapchat Anyways, on to the recipe! This is just the basic backbone for any good hummus recipe and is easily and highly modifiable. All you're going to need is...... 2 cans of garbanzo (chickpeas) beans Half a can of brine (The liquid that comes in the cans) Half a lemon (I was lazy and used lemon juice because I didn't want to go to the store for just 1 lemon) 3+ garlic cloves to taste, roasted (I personally used 5 in this recipe) Salt to taste Pepper to taste [OPTIONAL] Something to give some HEATTTTT! I like my food on the spicy side! Spoiler: Ingredients List Visualized What you do with those ingredients is just throw everything in the blender and mix it for a few minutes until it becomes more creamy. Every few minutes I would stop the blender and grab a spoon to taste how it's turning out. If it feels like it's missing something, throw it in and continue blending until you get it to your desired consistency. Spoiler: End Result When it's all done, just transfer the contents to a different container and you're all done! It literally only takes about 5 minutes to make this delicious dish. VARIATIONS: Looking for something a little less basic? Try adding some of these to your hummus to make it more flavorful! 1) Spinach and Artichoke Use about 1 cup of spinach, tightly packed and around 3 oz of marinated artichoke hearts! 2) Olive Tapenade Use around 1/2 cup olives (I use black olives personally), 1/4 cup capers, some fresh chopped parsley! 3) Roasted Red Pepper Half an entire red pepper, roasted!
As a one woman machine for converting hummus into 6 a.m. forum shitposts, I salute you and will be trying this soon.
Ramen. Half pot of water, maybe less. 1 Package of Shin Ramen. 1 Egg Some Kimchi. Boil water. Place ramen ingredients all inside boiling water. Crack egg halfway through your noodles boiling. Switch heat to medium, let egg cook. Tada.
Made this for dinner because I felt like Steak. Spoiler Cooking Steak at this point to taste, it already smells awesome. These were boneless ribeye steaks. Spoiler Steaks removed, added herbs, Dijon Mustard and the lemon juice (1) along with heating up with the chicken stock. Yes, that tinfoil to the very right is where the Steaks are covered. Spoiler Readded Steaks to retoss as well as throwing in remaining butter, looks better than ever. Spoiler End result, I had some Gnocchi done up as well as some Asparagus spears and now have added the rest of the sauce. Overall, the taste was different than what I am used to, but I really enjoyed it. Obviously I had another eating dinner as well, they like the taste of stuff like lemon and the dijon mustard, so they really enjoyed the sauce and was delicious. I have to say it was quite good, now I have more options in terms of sauce when dealing with steaks