Hey guys I'm sorry guild Is currently full I can't add anymore.. Once guild can be expanded I'll add u guys! Add me bl @xMisterFr0st
IGN : PowaKeong Nick : ~Keong~ From : MY ~ Just looking for a friendly home guild i could join ~ This could be it. DD Lai lai lai
IGN: Sugyo Nick: Coby Location: SG Interest: reading lyrics, a tank commander (legit). Hope to be added into the guild! Can't wait to make new friends in this game hehe!
Hello! Decided to apply as my rl friends are in your guild, stupidcupid & lestelle IGN : Khai Nick : Khai Location : Sg
Hi! I'm from SG too and would love to boss and grind together! I'm active and use to play Aquila in MapleSea for a long period of time. IGN: MrTakayashi (Lvl 135 BS) Interest: Boss and grind
Hey guys! Thanks for your interested but our guild is now currently full and cannot be expanded.. You might wanna add me up bl so that I can add you when there's slot Ign xMisterFr0st
IGN: SenselessNL Nick: Harvey Location: SG Interest: I'm kind of looking for a bossing guild who plays around my time zone so yea. And at least we would understand each other's Singlish thats the most important thing hahaha
IGN: GodOfBS Nick: Dawn Location: SG Interest: just wanna chill and lepak ingame. Not just grind all day 24/7
Hi! Hope y'all still got space for new people IGN: Pabangster Nick: Jayden Location: Singapore Add me please!! Want to join to meet new kakis!!