Character Name:cuteNeko, crazedNeko, evilNeko, Bother, Luckyshop, smileQQ Last thing you did:duo zak Why do you think you got banned?:I do not know Ban message when attempting to log in: permanent ban What GM banned you (optional):
you were banned for soliciting real world trade / offering your items for sale for real life currency
sorry, my english is poor, i would like to use chinese to reply you if possible. 我從未以現實貨幣交易來出售任何物品,但是最近我有從一個被 ban 的朋友 (virex) 那邊獲得大量物品,是否其中有誤會?
the gear and accounts were all for sale advertised on third party websites for real money, and the last login IP and MAC addresses were all from the same as yours. You're not allowed to log in on anyone's account to take their stuff even with their consent. This is considered account sharing.
抱歉,我英文真的不好,我認為你想問我的是:"這些物品是否從 virex 的帳號取得";而不是登入他的帳號取得。 就問題來說,我是從 virex 帳號取得物品,但是是由他本人親自登入帳號給我的,並沒有 account sharing. 然而,virex 本來打算 rwt,可是認為我需要裝備就直接將裝備給我,卻未通知代理 rwt 的人不需要 po 文。因此,才會發生裝備已經給我了,但卻仍有 rwt 的文章。
可能我表達的不完全,我將從頭說起所有事情的緣由。 當 virex 看到自己被ban後,virex 將所有物品丟給我,還有把所有 meso 以商店箭矢交易給我的 bm。之後在裝備丟完後,我自己整理我不需要的裝備在我的 f/p mage 身上,準備要還給 virex,讓他自己處理。本來,virex 打算取回那些裝備進行 rwt,後來 virex 考慮放棄,還未通知另一個張貼文章的人撤銷時,我就被 ban 了。 如果需要,我可以跟Virex要他的所有IGN給你
the accounts where last logged in on the same computer and ip address as yours, which means either you logged in on his accounts or he logged in on yours.
請問是以什麼ign來查登入ip,在這之前物品所屬應該是屬於(TWxVirex, TWxVirexII, VirexoTW, VirexPaladin, VirexPaiadin, VirexDKnight, VirexCorsair, VirexHero, VirexSEmule, VirexHSmule, VirexMageIL, VirexMageFP, VirexBomber, VirexHSforU, VirexNL),而不是我的ign
So to get it straight: 1. Virex has a facebook advertisement of various equipment and even some of his accounts for sale for real currency 2. We locate the items and find out what accounts they are based on those screenshots and ban those accounts and everyone associated to it. 3. You got banned because your accounts (that share the same login MAC and IP addresses as the accounts you appeal for cuteNeko, crazedNeko etc.) have the items that were advertised for real currency on facebook. These are unique items where only one of them exist in the server and you own them. 4. You provide me with an unclear video in private from virex' perspective where he drops his items to you and is in contact with you on facebook at the same time. This leads us to believe you purchased the items that Virex advertised on facebook, and stayed in touch via facebook to get them delivered to you.