My level 54 assassin is DEX-less and I have been playing without any knowledge of HP/MP washing. I have read washing guides but I still don't understand completely, especially in my case since I messed up. I currently have all my AP put into LUK. Am I too late to start washing? What can I do to be able to horntail by level 155?
You'r dexless isn't doomed, and you'll be able to take part in HT even without washing (people have done it before back than in GMS). The Hp Washing comes for tanking some attacks of HT without HB. The queation is, whats you'r washing goal? For that you can use Silla's NL guide, which covers anything you need to know about it (with basic knowledge from the hp washing guide). I'v chose to rise my NL's hp to 7.6k, which is enaugh for HT (a little more accourding to what people told me in game). Again, you'r sin isn't done for, and Hp washing isn't a must, it's a luxury. GL in game FIXING: 8.4k hp is enaugh for ht with no hb
Thank you so much for responding! I'm actually really relieved that my DEX-less isn't doomed haha As for my washing goal; I'd prefer to be able to HT without HB so I guess 8.4k HP is what I should aim for? Again, I don't completely understand the steps to HP wash except for that when I am about to level up, I need to have either INT equips or base INT. Everything else is all gibberish TBH. I'll try looking at Sila's NL guide though, hopefully it helps me.. Again, thanks!
No problem! Please let me explain you the basics of hp washing: each time you level up, you gain natural mp (for thieves its 10~12 mp) which you can't use for hp washing. However, you are able to increase your mp per level up by having int. for each 10 int you have (in base int or items) you get 1 more mp each time you level up. for example, I have a total of 113 int (from base int, items and maple warrior) in my dk, so each time I level up with my dk, I get 11 mp (the int rounds down). Of couse the mp turns into hp, and each class requires different amount of mp per 1 point in hp. for example, in thieves 1 point equals 12 mp. so each time you turn mp into hp, you will lose 12 mp from your mp. There is another way to increase your accessible mp. This way is called MP Wahsing. In this way, by inserting your level up ap into mp, you gain alot more mp (depends on your base int), since each point you insert into mp provides you: (class natural mp) + (base int\10) extra MP When you turn the point from mp to your main stat, you'll lose class natural mp, and the base int\10 factor will stay. which means. for example, that if I have a thief with 240 base int, I'll get 34~36 extra MP. After turning the mp point into luk (and losing the class natural mp factor by that) I'll have extra mp of 24~26 (which is at least 2 extra washes). However, this method is very expensive, since you'll need alot of base int and you'll need to turn your level up ap from mp to your base stat, which means you'll need alot of ap resets (and thus alot of money). I hope I helped you, and GL in game Edit: Information was taken from jmmaivi MP Washing guide and Pheelo's HP Washing guide. Thank you both!