I have a suggestion for the community and I would like to see your opinion about my question. Feel free to participate. Me in general would love to have these "bosses" it would be fun and we would be cool if we could get some new dank MLG hats.
This more than likely won't happen. Why you might ask? Because you wouldn't be implementing just the bosses. The entire sub area would have to be implemented. And let me tell you how hard galloperas would break this game...
Well considering a new "map" would be implemented meaning more grinding places and it's not that big of an effect on the community really. People get the opportunity to have a Targa hat or a Scarlion hat and they also get the option to fight against these great bosses. I used to enjoy it back in 2009 and those helmets were very good for higher levels.
So adding Targa and Scarlion would also bring the whole area that comes with those bosses including Galloperas. Galloperas drop power crystal ores, GFA 60%s, and Bottomwear for DEX 60%s. As well as another map to level/leech at besides ulu2 for that respective level. To be honest adding all this will be just as "game breaking" as when we added Krexel, ulu1, ulu2, petrifighter, road to oblivion, and stormbreakers... so to everyone pulling the "oh this will be game breaking" argument should push for the removal of all the new content that we have already added.
I don't think it should be added because the community is too divided on the subject. Personally, I vote no.
This topic in specific is interesting... it's also not quite on our immediate to-do list, but is still one that we've bounced back and forth a few times since new source release. Continue the conversation, and make it meaningful, and it'll absolutely be a part of our discussions down the road when new content additions are in our focus. Thanks for the interest!
I'd love to see scarlian and targa! But make it like lvl180+ to enter, so there is a new end game hat. Maybe make the map where these gallos spawn also something like 150+ so people arent able to leech people there.
Im all for adding Scar and Tar a long with all the maps. The biggest benefit we have here on Royals is the ability to change how things work to suit our needs. Its not that hard to change the spawn rate of Galloperas or making Scar and Targa have an minimum entry level added to it. This was a zone that came out long before BB and would be a great addition to Royals.
I really like the idea of level locking the bosses for more of a thing to look forward to for more end game options past a zakum helm.
Yes, some tough non stationary bosses would be a nice change from boring standing and hitting body parts all day. Also they both drop mw30 so yay? However, gallos would be ruined if people could own the map. This should be a map where people can ks each other free of penalty. Game needs a map where players can let loose and not worry about being perma banned for something a silly as ksing.
I find this thread very interesting. Reading all these comments is very exciting and learning from people's point of view from this. I'd suggest that the developers should at least give it a try and also try come to an agreement with the community and try making it so it benefits everyone not only the people who wants this but also those the ones who doesn't want this. And of course this thread can go on for a good 50 pages but my suggestion would be to add in the bosses and see if it will work, if it doesn't, then the developers can improve on that and make it better for each one of us. And of course people won't always be happy and that's just how it is, but if many find interest in this then I don't find a issue why people wouldn't want this. I don't think there is much more to add other than maybe make the "Gallopears" a free map and let "higher people" try new things, because many of us enjoyed these 2 great bosses and they gave great items which the players could buy in FM. I think this would be a great step forward, both for the "server" and for the community.
Make the easiest boss in the game 180+ and modify the stat for it to be end game hat? Can't do that when you are "The nostalgic Maple story Sever"