Since MapleRoyals does have all 5 jobs, Wouldn't it be awesome if MapleRoyals could add CWKPQ? (Crimson Woods Keep Party Quest) It would be cool if people could start having MoN's (Mark of Narcain) that would boost our attack status, a lot better than Deputy's Star. As for other PQ's, PPQ and OPQ Are glitched in a way. at least what my friends say and I have experienced it a bit myself. It would be awesome if you guys can fix OPQ, PPQ and Add CWKPQ to the server! <3 Thanks for reading!
Loooooved CWKPQ. So much fun and so much teamwork involved. Also with it brings more windraider/stormbreaker maps, which opens up more training places for 60-80. Would also love for PPQ to be fixed, I was never a huge fan of OPQ (didn't understand it when I tried) but PPQ was fun too- and a decent alternative for people who can't do zakum for one reason or another. Edit: Screenshots of my first time doign CWKPQ.. Just for the fun of it. I miss it. Spoiler
Loved cwkpq on GMS myself. Although there may be debates on MoNs and the stats considering people spent a lot of money on depstars/scarves. Any other opinions? Bump
CWKPQ is something that might well be a nice addition at some point in the future, but it's something we haven't haven't discussed in any great depth (as far as I know) and also, we're still putting the finishing touches to the ToT/Ulu City update, so maybe this is more something for a future discussion.
There are probably a couple things that need a proper look at before we can even begin to add CWKPQ, if the community even wants it. We always let the community vote first before adding in new content. Not to forget the fact that there are quite a few things that are not in the current .wz files that would need to be added. Not impossible, but updates like that require a decent amount of work. Let's get this current patch up and running first before looking beyond, shall we!
I've never done CWKPQ in my life but it seems like everyplace I go it's so admired by the community. On the other hand MoN's are way to OP. Altough MoN's could be nerfed or changed for other kinds of items to balance the PQ and also give a great new content to the server
MoNs won't be so OP once we have full egg'd pendants. But they will destroy the value of the Anniversary Scarfs. But even if we get MoNs or not, I would LOVE to have CWPQ, favourite pq ever!
I don't think that MoN's are "OP" considering they take much more work to obtain than a deputy star. They're also level 110 requirements instead of level 50. MoN is only obtainable through killing the four bosses in the end of CWKPQ. Each boss is level 130. It basically requires an entire party to kill it, just like zakum does. Except you also have to go through the previous stages to get to the end, too. Plus! MoN are not tradeable, since we don't have scissors of karma (and I hope we never do). So the -only- way to obtain one would be to go through the PQ. A deputy star just requires you to complete a quest, and most of the required pieces can be bought. If you can't do the quest yourself, you can easily buy a deputy star since they are tradeable. my 2 cents.
I always loved CWKPQ, especially because it forces you to take every main class along with you. Dat Teamwork :3 I also agree on those other PQs. They were both fun but not overpowering in EXP the way CPQ is from 30-50
Cwkpq was very nice, but I think there is some more important things to do. For example HT fix or Magatia(very nice place to exp at mid levels, i dont talking about Malaysia). Also, i suggest nerf MoN to 5watt because it must be worse than egged ht pendant.