hey i'm interested to buy your service too! IGN Jaelynnn edit: just got my genesis and it was really quick!!! thank you so much for your service, would really recommend!!
I purchased his VIP Service, since I had no people to do this with. Super friendly and guiding guy with super fast service! Totally worth the 100m, I can only recommend his service to other people - I'll most certainly will use him for later purposes with other chars. Thanks again bruh :3
Need the service IGN:Sophiscate EDIT:Got it done. Prompt service provided by the seller. Guide by guide instructions on what to do. 5/5!
I'd like htpq service c: Can contact me in game IGN: 2ScoopRice Will be on after 4:00 HST / 7:00 PST / 02:00 ST
I'd like to buy HTPQ service too if available! My ign is Uzume :] I don't have a partner so if anyone wants to pair up with me, you can shoot me a message!
Hi , I wanna buy service , new lvl 120 Bishop My IGN: "HopeToGet120" if anyone wanna split , and be the 3rh person in party please add me to buddy- HopeToGet120 Please let me now when u free and can help me with the service
I'm interested too IGN : nanoRIPE Available every Friday night since 6.00-11.00 GMT+8 Thank you very much
Very quick and reliable service. Worth the 100m! All I had to do was sit back and chill until the last stage where I had to kill the skeles to get the life root for Genesis.