"The guy who never levels" actually leveled. Go figure. I've taken a screenshot of each level from 13 up until now. When I hit 120 I'll make the most awesome mega-thread out there.
After a long journey of overtaking the bald Mei who hasn't been on in ages after NPC-ing her main gear I'm now officially #2 Pirate. Second only to Captain Jac(e)k Sparrow!
Hosted an event of my own. Gave away tons of white scrolls, PGCs, mesos and stuff. This is when Kat came in and made us all talk
We managed to keep this Balrog alive in Kerning for around 15 minutes and grow a small-ish community around it I cri evertim I see Roger Rog ded ;c
I proposed to the love of my life... and she left me. She moved onto a better life, in a better world.
Zak duo in less than 2 hrs with a NL (who got tt10 from the run). Will be selling zhelms for 50m in the near future.
I actually said to some people before I started gaching: "Let me get a white scroll" after they both failed gacha. :>