27 INT white doros robe (m) s/b 500m a/w 650m 25 INT White Doros Robe (M) c/o 305m (alvin61305) a/w 430m 21 INT White Doros Robe (M) s/b 200m a/w 250m 17 INT Bathrobe (M) c/o 160m (SmokedDuck) a/w 250m 14 INT Bathrobe (M) s/b 100m a/w 120m 15 INT White Doros Robe (M) | s/b 50m | a/w 120m Pyrope Spear 96/4 | s/b 150m | a/w 180m 21 DEX Green Neos Pants (M) s/b 300m a/w 325m last updated 23/08/2017
good morning someone buy my stuff this is a bump friendly but violent i think they call it aggressive-violent
17:35 (CT) | 08/17/2017 -updated with offer on 25int doros, 17 int bathrobe -lowered a/w on all robes -added s/b to all - @chriszk your offer was not recorded b/c Johnny offered the same amount first
17:76 US CT 23/08/2017 Note: offers are EXTREMELY disappointing for the int equips -lowered a/w on most int stuff -added new offers -added 27int doros -added 21 dex green neos pants (M)