IGN: StarMaker BUG IN DETAIL: I just came back today and gave gachapon a try, I am positive that I got 2 white scroll from the Singapore. It disappear like I don't even knew how... Please help me out. Edit> My mistake it was one white raccoon and one white scroll and the only white scroll disappeared. I did regacha quite a bit to get another white scroll. Need explanation .
How soon after did you notice that your white scroll disappeared. Are you sure you didn't just use it when scrolling by accident? Items do not really simply disappear.
I was about to give it to someone else, I have no clue what happened. Cuz this is not my first time playing. Like I was gachaing for good 20mins, right after I went to the fm and checked. My white scroll disapppered. Could you be so kind and check for me? I stop playing this game at least couple month now.