Widow. I feel she is by far the most devastating hero in good hands. There also seems to be little to no gray area with her.. You're either good and a thing of nightmares for the enemy team, or you switch because you do virtually nothing.
Mercy main here. Nothing is funner or more rewarding than having a great game as Mercy. Did somebody call a doctor?
In comp play I'm an Ana main even after the damage nerf. I like to switch to Dva sometimes when nothing gets done or other people are support mains. In quickplay I just pick any random character and try to make it work
Probably Tracer right now... Pretty fun to play and high skill cap. Used to like Roadhog til they changed him too much
I play a lot of pharah. Liked roadhog before the nerf. Other than that I play mostly the defense champs.
96 Elims (96-4) in a comp match with D.va, so i guess you could say things are getting pretty serious
Last year when I was super into Overwatch, I almost single handidly hit middle Plat playing Zarya and Mercy exclusively. @Levitation can vouche for my small hero selection as we duo queued on a pretty regular basis for about a 2 weeks lol
Gameplay Hanzo, but personality and character easily Sombra. But let's be honest, don't you mean Moirawatch?