1. Name: Fred 2. Age: 22 3. Country/State: Belgium 4. IGN: Coryn 5. Level: 131 6. Class: Bishop 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: Started in 2014 but have been inactive for a long time, recently returned 8. List any other character(IGN+Level) you have: Corynn lvl. 43 (inactive) 9. Guild History: I've been in the guild 'Home' and Silachans guild 'Clarity' back in the days. 10. Ban History: Never 11. Your Goal in Royals: Make friends, bossing and have fun. Especially having fun is what this is all about in the end. 12. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: Really depends. For the upcoming 3 weeks I will be on around 1-2 hours every day. 13. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes 14. Etc. I would really like to join this guild and be a part of a group again since playing alone is not half as fun. I think I can say I am known as a loyal guy when it comes to guilds. I already talked to a few guys of Guardians and really had a good feeling from it. Hope to hear from you! cheers
Please use the correct form ("Guardians Exception Application Form") for full consideration since you are below the level requirement. Thank you!
My bad. I'll rewrite my application under here. 1. Name: Fred 2. Age: 22 3. Country/State: Belgium 4. IGN: Coryn 5. Level: 131 6. Class: Bishop 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: Started in 2014 but have been inactive for a long time, recently returned 8. List any other character(IGN+Level) you have: Corynn lvl. 43 (inactive) 9. Guild History: I've been in the guild 'Home' and Silachans guild 'Clarity' back in the days. 10. Ban History: Never had any problems with anyone on this server. 11. Your Goal in Royals: Make friends, bossing and have fun. Especially having fun is what this is all about in the end. 12. Why should we accept you as an exception?: I'm very close to 135 so it shouldn't take long to reach it. I am really talkative and enjoy conversating with everyone. Once I am in a guild, I am loyal to that guild and defend the title no matter what. 13. How long will it take until you can meet with the guild requirements?: I am setting up my character again after being inactive. It depends what I do in the following days. I am kinda known to merch rather than grind but if it's really needed I can reach it in 2 days. 14. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: Really depends on which period it is in the year. For the upcoming 3 weeks I will be on around 1-2 hours every day. 15. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes/No
Your Guardians application has been reviewed. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to the guild as a probationary member. Within the upcoming days, you are required to contact a Gatekeeper in-game to receive your invitation. You will be also granted access to our Discord server. Welcome to Guardians, Fred!
Greetings! My name is Matt; and I am looking to join a committed organized guild.. I've been playing maplestory since I was 9 years old. With that being said I'm very familiar with the ropes of the game, and all the objectives that come with it. So I've seen maplestory grow and it at both its good and worse states. I quit GMS maplestory due to lack of interest as many of you know its become pretty much a solo game. I'm looking for a guild where I can share late nights with, grinding, powerleveling, farming and what not. Joining royals brings back a sense of friendship, communication and having a team of members taking down a challenging boss. Royals truly brings out the true child within me, bringing back nothing but good memories. Showing nothing but dedication, helping others and always improving my character my guild mates! Now in a sense of joining a guild; These memories of mine I want to relive with you. Guardians! Feel free to contact me on forums or in game! Cheers and thank-you for hearing me out. Looking forward to hearing from you guys soon! 1. Name: Matt 2. Age: 20 3. Country/State: Canada, Toronto Ontario 4. IGN: Destroy 5. Level: 10x 6. Class: Hermit/NL 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: 1 month 8. List any other character(IGN+Level) you have: N/A 9. Guild History: N/A 10. Ban History: None 11. Your Goal in Royals: To be able to clear the hardest boss with a guild.. i.e HT. 12. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 9 13. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
Hello! Please use the correct form ("Guardians Exception Application Form") for full consideration since you are below the level requirement. Thank you!
1. Name: Matt 2. Age: 20 3. Country/State: Canada, Toronto Ontario 4. IGN: Destroy 5. Level: 102 6. Class: Hermit/NL 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals:1month 8. List any other character(IGN+Level) you have: n/a 9. Guild History:n/a 10. Ban History:none 11. Your Goal in Royals:To be able to clear the hardest boss with a guild.. i.e HT. 12. Why should we accept you as an exception?: I will get to level requirement in no time. I have a sense in prices in fm, where to train etc. 13. How long will it take until you can meet with the guild requirements?: 2-3 weeks at most 14. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 9 15. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
♜ Guardians Application Form ♜ 1. Name: Daniel 2. Age:15 3. Country/State: Singapore 4. IGN:Kittyycat 5. Level:139 6. Class: Bowmaster 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: Started from June 2016, recently came back 8. List any other character(IGN+Level) you have: Buttondoll (140 bishop) 9. Guild History: None 10. Ban History: None 11. Your Goal in Royals: Making friends so i always have things to do in the game , Reaching level 180 (because reaching above 180 sounds impossible to me haha ) and improve my character when im feeling it. 12. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 9 13. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes ofc
1. Name: Adrian 2. Age: 22 3. Country/State: Oslo,Norway 4. IGN: LordRandy 5. Level: 164 6. Class: NL 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: 2yrs+ 8. List any other character(IGN+Level) you have: Randyburger 15x bishop 9. Guild History: Boobs 10. Ban History: none 11. Your Goal in Royals: to git gud 12. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 7 13. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
Your Guardians application has been reviewed, we would first like to thank you for your interest in joining our guild. Unfortunately certain concerns have surfaced and as a result, your application has been denied. No history nor experience with Royals whatsoever. Low level requirement
1. Name:Ross 2. Age:23 3. Country/State: USA/New Jersey AKA Dirty Jerz 4. IGN:Notess 5. Level:150 6. Job: NL 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: Too Long... 8. Guild History:Cerulean, Behemoth 9. Your Goal in royals: My goals are to eventually hit lvl 200 and be able to do whatever the strongest boss is in the server at that time. I have a few friends in the guild like Pendant Anhur Hairypits And LolliTrap. And id like to accomplish these goals with them. 10. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes Didnt Realize theres more too this application lol. Im on everyday for active wise. I have NO Ban history.
Hello! We need you to use the correct form ("Guardians Application Form") for full consideration in your case.
To Daniel, Your Guardians application has been reviewed, we would like to inform you that you have been accepted to the guild. Within the upcoming days you are required to contact a Gatekeeper in game in order to get your invitation. You will be also granted access to our Discord server as well. Welcome to Guardians!
To Adrian, Your Guardians application has been reviewed, we would like to inform you that you have been accepted to the guild. Within the upcoming days you are required to contact a Gatekeeper in game in order to get your invitation. You will be also granted access to our Discord server as well. Welcome to Guardians!
I'm back. I'd like to thank @bluehammer for his great job as a commander in the past week! Updated Members List. Updated Guild Thread. Updated Discord Button link. Expect a few promotions soon. Good day Guardians!
♜ Guardians Exception Application Form ♜ 1. Name:Ross 2. Age:23 3. Country/State:USA/New Jersey/Dirty Jerz Cha Feel? 4. IGN:NoteSs 5. Level:150 6. Class:NL 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals:Way too long 8. List any other character(IGN,Class,Level) you have:N/A 9. Guild History:Cerulean, Behemoth 10. Ban History:None 11. Your Goal in Royals: My goals in Royals is to eventually obtain lvl200 and to be able to defeat the strongest bosses the server has to offer. I have some friends in this guild (Pendant, Lolitrap, Anhur, SoulBlader, KittyyCat, Hairypits) And i would like to accomplish these goals with them and the rest of the guild. 12. Why should we accept you as an exception?: Because im fresh, Im fly, im so damn high . No lol I think i should be an exception because im a very active likeable player that will be participating in everything we do as a guild as much as possible. I offer to you guys my very average dmg for a NL 13. How long will it take until you can meet with the guild requirements?: Already met Req. 14. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 8/9 on everyday but afk on some days alot. 15. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: YES
Hello Ross, can i ask how mush do you play royals ? Just a estimate time since this its important. Thanks
I've played royals on and off for about 2 years I'd say now. Or maybe year and a half? I'm on everyday for a few hours