Instead of the Dislike, I think (only for feedback/suggestion forum) There should ALWAYS be a poll so people can vote whether or not they like the suggestion being made.
There isn't really a need for a poll on every thread. The poll doesn't mean anything. I only vote on like half of them, and usually if I vote it is before I read the thread and can form a real opinion. As for the dislike button, I don't think it is necessary. If your post gets no likes/thanks then no one probably agrees with you, or it has already been said enough times.
There's a reason that Facebook doesn't have a dislike feature. Social media experts believe it wont have a positive effect.
The above posters have explained the reason why I only added a Like button when I added the feature to the forum in the first place. Godufa, when you post suggestions you should at least give some reasoning along with it.
We did previously have an option for people to give other players negative reputation but I disabled it for the reasons outlined above.