Geox looks cute Dont like the shield/wep though 7/10 My current outfit (next to the inferno applehoodie wich obviously is a 10/10 of maximum cuteness )
I like how your hair and eyes match your shirt and pants! Lovely shirt btw 9/10 This is my outfit.. this is a boy char, and I just wanted to make a char that was extremely cute.. regardless of gender. Its a little bright, but it makes me stand out more.. i guess XD
Looks cool, 6.5/10 though for me personally since I don't really like super bright things... Mine is in the avatar.
Loving the way you combined the shirt and the hat! Censor's nice, too, adds that criminal touch. The teeth look creepy, too. 9.5/10! I often refer to this as my "crazy look"... Dem teeth.
9/10, Not 10 'cause the lack of information John Snow... Mine is simple but with that Hipster touch...
8.5/10. Nice combination, but not a fan of the pants and hair. Still lookin' good, though. Dyed my hair orange and did some other stuff to support Holland!
I'd give your look a 8/10, mostly because I don't personally like those dark-demon styles, but you did yours pretty well, and the earrings dont match imo. I was just going for a casual style with green and brown, colors I like ;P
You look quite nice, casually and all. Don't like the hat though. 7.5/10 I've had two character that I'm quite happy with. First one is Verkatos which I choose a blue setup and quite casually. Second one is Manji which I went for a black ninja set. Ended up quite nice!
8/10 - Verkatos. I love blue 7/10 - Manji Not a fan of the facial hair accessory. My character Bella as per the rankings page:
Ah, love the KFT background. Shows the off the yellow, 7/10 I always love the Blue Fuzz hair, been my signature style for 5-6 years now. The flannel jacket an ripped pants is a common sight, but I personally like it.
Nice hair, I like that. The outfit seems a bit unfinished to me. I'd rate it a 6.5/10 cuz of the nice hair Here's mine: As you can tell my fav colour is yellow
Here's mine: As you can tell my fav colour is yellow [/QUOTE] Love how you match the yellow Sybe 9/10. Here I am.