IGN: Jonny Problem: Hack account Details:So I haven't played MS in quite some time, half a year for sure. So i d/led the client and logged in today to find my char sitting in FM pretty naked aside from wep/shoes/hat/glove/shield which where all kinda crappy. ALL of my equip/use are completely empty along with w/e NX I had is missing left except for 150 which is deff more than what I had. Also I'm sitting on exactly 1mil mesos which is also less than what I had. I mean what happened? Is there a possibility to recover these items or hell I'd be pretty happy if they could find the culprit and ban hammer his ass ~edit~ just checked out the rest of my accounts that I had, which where all lower lvl by a great deal those seem to be just the same as I left them, ugh kinda don't even want to play now because of such an upset ~edit2~i saw some posts here about accounts being hacked and posting lost items, I wish I could make a list but I will be honest since the last time I logged in was months and months ago I do not remember specifics. I mean if you look at the logs of my account logging in I'm sure you will see a giant gap in time and the first time after that gap will be the people who hacked me
If I remember correctly the situation with many of these reports is that many of these accounts that were hacked were actually due to another private servers database being hacked, and that info being released. In turn many of those players from said other Server also happen to play here on Royals and used the exact same info. Thusly many players had their accounts hacked.
I only played on mapleroyals in terms of ms private server, I do however play many other games on private servers. I am curious if this was bc of another game, if so could you pm me the name of that game. I wouldn't mind checking to see if I got hacked there too.
I dont have that level of info of which servers might have been compromised. I guess the best thing you can do going forward is to never use the same info for any private server you play for any game ever. As a side note, somewhat related to Royals if you have any accounts with banks/ebay/amazon etc where you use the same info i would recommend making sure you change the info for them and dont use the same info as any private servers and making sure you are always using different passwords and Login information. Theres much bigger problems you might face if you are commonly using the same info for things you do on the internet!
This was not a leak of information from the server but more like an exploit which was fixed a few server checks ago. I wish to provide a more detailed information of what happened with that exploit but I'm not a staff member and that can carry me a ban.
i guess its fair to say that i should just stop waiting for an update and perhaps play my account? I thought I would be helping the situation by not logging into my account in order for the logs to be clearer to read but with what almost 2 weeks later, still same "awaiting admin action" response kinda makes me sad.
We have a backup of your inventory as of July 23. I don't know whether or not you have played since then, but would you be willing to let us roll your inventory back to how it was as of that date? Please note, your mesos would not be affected by this roll back.
hell yeah that would be awesome, i only logged in once in august so if that july 23 date is before i got all my stuff jacked than that would be amazing ))))))))))))) well anything is better than nothing as they say, please do roll back me to july 23
Since some people claim the July 23 backup may not have everything they needed, I will play it safe and roll you back to the backup we have from July 20 as well
Umm i just loged in and still the same ~ sorry for the double post that just happened connection error~ ~edit~ I also just downloaded the latest edition of the game just of on the off chance that it was an issue but still nothing, my account is naked just the same way it was
Can you show a screenshot of the character Jonny in game? Because the queries were indeed run to restore that character.
That was all that was in the July 20 backup. I'm not sure if an older backup exists to roll back to. This will take some time to look into the possibility of doing.
oh boy this sounds awful, so it was definately this account that was rolled back? is there logs that show when the account was accesed? i stoped playing in 2016 maybe even 2015, so any logins made in 2017 wasnt me. is it possible to see that information?