So a while ago we had this 2x nx voting for a week, which was nice concidering there is no nx dropping from bosses... During that week i noticed that the prices were going down to the normal old source price! Items like white scrolls and chaos scrolls. I mean 1 week is nice and all but we've lost so much nx in these last 8 months... I want to suggest that we keep getting 16k nx per vote to make up for the 8MONTHS without nx dropping from bosses till we have the nx drops back, so the prices could stabilize abit more as it was in the old source. Spoiler sorry for the grammar and typos, but i'm on my phone and super sleepy
From my experience Royals hasn't really been known for giving compensation, not even 'fair compensation' (as in, i lost x amount, so i should get back the exact same amount back). Don't get your hopes up guys, if anything we are lucky we even had a 2x Nx event.
I'm not posting a definitive decision (it has to be discussed with the rest of staff) but I do think 2x NX event would be good for the community if it was extended. However, I strongly disagree with the 8 month timespan that was proposed. Having 8 months worth of double NX is just excessive imo
One week of 2x vote once a month would be nice, and I'm sure 4-5 moths would be enough to balance the current market. If it's gonna be 1 month of 2x vote straight I feel that would be way too much and mess market up instead of fixing it.
I think Seb was talking about the 8 Months that have passed since NS launched and bosses haven't dropped NX. Not having 2x vote for 8 months haha. Even if we don't get anymore 2x vote, heres to hoping Krexel drops NX like Zak did in old source when they finally get it working
Yes! having 8 months of 2x voting it is just insane, no. On the other hand I said this before and I agree with Seb, the 2x NX from voting should stay until nx drop from bosses are implemented. Voting is the only source of nexon at the moment wich is insufficient.
Sorry, i didn't mean we should get 2x nx voting for 8months, i meant that we've lost a ton of nx the last 8months, because there hasn't been nx dropping from bosses. So i was suggesting that we should get 16k nx every vote till you guys have fixed the nx drops from bosses. Spoiler Unless it actually takes another 8months to get the nx drops back from bosses
I think it would be a nice way to get an influx of active playing players. I know @Seb is coming from a bossing perspective but all players benefit from some extra NX, especially with stores being temp now. Not to mention WS and CS are still high. Additionally, I think it'd be neat and harmless if going forward there was 2x NX for like a weekend every month or something. It's a little bit here and there (even after bossing is out), and it would help spread out the making-up of the last 8 months without bossing NX. Just my 0.02$
Can you explain why 135+ should only get the 2x vote and not say 50+? I lost out on quite a bit of NX when I was leveling up some of my other characters as I used to farm Dyle and Faust for examples, and would get a good 1.5k-2k extra nx a day from it. I also realize thats less than half of a leaf from HT/Zak or Krex
Fair enough. I understand HT and Zak were huge boosts of NX for players. I was just trying to get a better understanding which i got. Thanks!
Another idea will be instead of having to buy pet and shop with nx, how about with mesos? A great way to increase nx spend on gach tickets and sink mesos.
It'll be a month before the staff actually responds to this thread. And Horntail still won't be fixed.
My $0.02. instead of having something this confusing (different nx value on different day), why not change it to 11.5k nx per vote everyday? ((8k x 4) + (16k x 3)) / 7 = 11.428k round up to 11.5k
By responding I meant take action or confirmation of action. John was posting his personal opinion on the matter.