I'm currently using a 127att 16str pinaka I wanna get a sky ski because of its faster attack speed but I'm on a budget So my question is: how much weapon attack should this sky ski have in order to beat my pinaka?
When you are using fury and attack boost, the attacks per min is 83 (ski) and 74 (pinaka/faltizan). You DPS/DPM is linear to 83*att or 74*att, with the same factor. So to find the att of ski, just let 83*Att(ski)=74*Att(pinaka/faltizan) Att(x)=att of all gears + att of the attack potion. Att(ski)=Att(pinaka/faltizan)*74/83 For example, if you are using 15 att glove, 10 att cape, 10 att shoes, and 60 att potion, Att(ski)=(127+15+10+10+60)*74/83=198 the att of the ski = 198-(15+10+10+60)=103 With apple 98.6, with cider 105.7, with energizer 106.7. ---- There was a 141 faltizan on forum. The att of ski with apple is 111, stopper 115.4, cider 118.2, and energizer 119.2. The higher the att of gloves/cape/shoes/potion is, the more ski stands out. ---- When a dk has speed infusion, the attacks per min is 90 (ski) and 87 (pinaka/faltizan). The difference is very small, making high attack pinaka/faltizan better weapon.
They have an old thread about faltizan vs sky ski, and I believe under the same level, the higher total additional attacks( from gloves, shoes, cape and attack potions), the more advantages you can get from a ski than slow spear. The ratio should be like 117 attack sky ski can beat 129 pinaka when they both have total additional 65+ attack.
https://royals.ms/forum/threads/sky-ski-vs-dragon-faltizan.59061/ Here is the old thread about faltizan vs sky ski
tried playing around with the formula, seems like the best wa slow spear (so far i only saw 141) can be replaced by a 126 ski (considering 0wa glove, 0wa cape, 0wa shoe and pots)!
Cool info, very apreciated; also I guess I can use a similar way to calculate Fishing Pole vs. Sky Ski or Pinaka/Faltizan ight? Thank you very much!
Most of the information in this post seems correct and helpful, but I would like to point out that it is not Fury that is interesting, but Crusher So the correct attacks/min would be Sky Ski (with booster) : 64 Pinaka (with booster) : 57
Ye I never play dk. Do u mind correcting the calculation with the right factors? Spoiler: - the result won't be very different tho cuz 64/57~=83/74=1.12
So as @babeast mentioned, there is an old thread about this topic. You should definitely check it out. It starts with some discussion (nobody is exactly sure of how to actually calculate this) but later, some really well done calculations appear. Check out Captain Calibre's calculation, for example. I believe it will make sense to you. In this particular case, and to answer your original question, I dare to say that a 121 ATT 16 STR would outdamage the Pinaka (DPS-wise) assuming you have only 20 ATT extra from gear+pot. You probably have more than this, which means a lower ATT Ski will do the job (as @Zenoooo stated) If you are really interested, you can let me know your stats (most importantly W.Att, but also STR and DEX for a perfect calculation) and I can make a calculation for you.