I am in no where near gonna try to RWT or anything just a heads up, it just ridiculous that these can happen without any consequences but minor offences such as account sharing will warren a perma ban. What do I mean by minor, account sharing affects the game to a certain degree that for example that more players in single account will make the character stronger in a quicker time, however by doing so you will also need to have other players you can trust and also to sit down and play. Affects the game, maybe? Unfair not really in my opinion. However RWT will spoil the game completely, richer people gets stronger, you guys advertise a fair server in which that no one will have a bigger advantage if they engage in RWT, however letting these to pass by without any consequence, by my opinion is far more detrimental to the server compared to other minor offences you guys perma banned. Just take a look Excuses my brevity, little to no effort was put into this thread, just to spread awareness.
We're aware of all the RWTs that are going on, but Carousell is a new one lol. Anyway, forwarded it to the admins. We will see what we can do.
No Kai you misinterpreted the intention of my post What i am trying to say is You guys are banning people that does minor offences for no reason Example 1: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/ban-appeal.101042/page-2#post-558773 Foxergg is my friend, a honest player that worked hard for his gears, the only reason he logged into his friends account is to get back his gears, and what did you guys issued? Perma banned 30 days ban for zak jq but perma for transfer equipment, absurd to me Example 2 N word and F word lets have a video as reference Start from 7:33 Royals is advertised as a PG 13 server, vulgar words are allowed to be used here, then why are some words that can get you banned but some words are allowed to be used? If you guys advertised to be PG 13 and vulgarities are allowed, you either allow all of them or none of them, don't be double standard lmao. N word? Really? Not even with the hard R gets you banned? cmonBruh Example 3: Banghero GM application https://royals.ms/forum/threads/bangheros-gm-application.89829/ Seriously? These gets you banned? But you guys allowed bullying in the forums just because you guys are friends/guildmates? Sickening This is just my feedback, come at me haters lmfao
Its not like they sit there and focus on account sharing and other offences while letting rwters do what ever they want, if it was easy to catch them most of them would probably be banned already, its just a lot harder to catch them since they are keep finding ways to do trades with out leaving any traces (at least thats what i hope is happening) It seems that rwt is slowly getting out of hands tho...It really is discouraging.
Let me make this very clear, hopefully for the last time: Example 1: There is no proof that the item belonged to your friend. So, we treated the entire situation whereby he took an item that belongs to his friend, with or without consent (if you look from a 3rd party point of view, that would technically be hacking). He have no rights to log into anyone else's accounts, other than his. Whereas for the ZJQ, no items were removed/no benefits were gained from it (i.e. self buffing/leeching), but simply merely completing a quest which we can revert (and refund the tooth if the entire quests is completed). So this constitutes a 30-day ban instead of a permanent one. Example 2: PG-13 — Parents strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. In many movies/shows that I watch, most of the vulgar languages used were the f**k, as*ho*e, re*ard, etc. But you may disagree, saying that words like c**t and ni**er are actually acceptable. Well, no. In our server, we don't accept any derogatory remarks/racial slurs. I suggest you to read our Terms and Conditions, again, on what we mean by "Hate Speech". However, if vulgar languages I mentioned earlier is used excessively depending on context, it may warrant a ban under "Inappropriate Content". TLDR: Doesn't mean you think it's okay, means everyone else will think it's okay. We cater to the population at large, not to a specific player/group. If you want my honest opinion, I can blatantly tell you that I think the c**t or ni**er word is fine to me, because I belong to a culture that don't really seem to find a problem with such words being used (in fact, I joke around with my friends IRL using it. But let me stress my point, my friends. I don't go around on the streets calling people those words.) And since I know it's against the rule here, I simply refrain from using it. This is what you called basic respect for people from all walks of life. This community isn't only bounded by people who think it's fine, but it also includes people who's not fine with it. Example 3: The application section is meant for players who is serious about applying for a position in the staff, not for players who wants to gain attention by making a mockery application (i.e. Sex: Yes please). Of every sections in the forum, we expect players to be professional when it comes to applying for a position in the staff. And regarding the bullying you mentioned, I've no idea what you're talking about.
Just wanna say that the game terms & conditions are not set in stone. It seems like the main point of this thread is that you think the punishment for different offenses don't line up with the severity of the offenses and how detrimental they are to the server, in which case i suggest you write some feedback specifically on what you think should be changed and why.
It's called 1st and 2nd offense. Had he read the rules, he'd know that. Account sharing is bad, why? Because it would be hard to enforce RWT if it was allowed. They coincide
My earlier comment got deleted, I guess it's irrelevant *What's new?* But yea here's my real talk on the situation. When it comes to RWT, theres only so much the staff can do. They may or may not be doing their best but from the looks of the many ban appeals I've seen, they've been doing a good job. I got banned for joking in a serious section of the forums and they got mad so it's my fault I guess. I shall keep all jokes in the MapleRoyals meme page and I think everyone else should too. You wouldn't want a 'breach of forum etiquette' warning would ya?
But there is mob in zakum jump quest where players have to kill to pass through. The account sharer will gain exp killing them
let me get it out of the way then, the admins and gms here are enforcing strict rules on things that isn't that severe, I suggest to re-look at the entire T&C, specifically regarding account sharing
Correct. We have banned people just for making a believable claim. Most recently a guy for stating "Selling Account" as his merchant name.
Again like Martin said, what specifically should be changed? The T&C were recently completely rewritten by Mike with the input and assistance of many other current and former staff members. So we have relooked at the entire T&C.
Maybe one day you'll learn to read things completely, which goes back to the root of your problems: Not having read the rules completely.
Incorrect. Anything that you do that breaks the rule can get you banned. If you're not intending to suggest ways to improve our T&C (see what Martin and John said), then I believe your thread has reached an impasse and can be closed from further replies.