Personally I would suggest Stormraiders at Crimsomwood castle. (Go to NLC, All the way to the left, take the car and see map.) They give great exp and the map is comfortably small as well! If you can afford leech that would be even better exp but its up to your preference nonetheless. Other suggestions: Wolf Spiders (good exp but can be challenging depends on your class) Ghost Ship at Singapore ( I think this might be a good option till you hit around 75 ish)
I'm not sure what class you're playing, but I've been grinding at coolie zombies on my cleric from level 56-77 and still going strong. Not only that, but I fill up my inventory with equips in about 30 minutes which NPC for an average of 8m. Then zombie teeth sell in a shop for 10k each. Every 30 minutes I get around 400 of them so an hourly rate training there is amazing high in exp and meso gain.
Lv70-75 I did voodoos and zombies along with lmpq. Lv76-85 I did windraiders and stormchasers (lmpq on the side). Lv86+ (where i am now) I'm training in squids and bossing headless horseman. What class are you?