S/b 2 CS A/w 3CS s/b 350m A/w600m Prefer CS > Meso Accepting CS at 450m. Will closed bid on 1st October 23.59 (Server Time) V> my store C1 Room 14 Mid lane <<<< For the sock and Kreda
Updated one wa127 Kreda, will upload photo soon. All items listed are in c1 Room14 mid lane<<< my shop (Papadong)
I am bidding a RC and the seller told me the bid will close in 24hours. I can sell my claw by that time. So its 24hour from now. 9pm Sea server time.
Updated photo dragon kreda, added white doro, all items are able to a/w at C1 Room14 Mid lane (my shop).
Sock sold for 1.6b. Promised to let go RC tonight-18hours after this comment. (If claw seller get back to me.)