♜ Guardians Application Form ♜ 1. Name: CJ 2. Age: 21 3. Country/State: Singapore 3.1. Timezone: +8 GMT 4. IGN: Cjproz 5. Level: 145 6. Class: Arch Mage I/L 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: 3 months (Played on SEA server for over 7 years) 8. List any other character(IGN,Class,Level) you have: - 9. Guild History: - 10. Ban History: - 11. Your Goal in Royals: Scrolling . I enjoy scrolling. I boom at least 100m meso whenever I'm online LOL. 12. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 8 13. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
1. Name: Mandy 2. Age: 26 3. Country/State: Netherlands 3.1. Timezone: GMT+1 4. IGN: PerfectDit 5. Level: 159 6. Class: Shadower 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: July 2016 8. List any other character(IGN,Class,Level) you have: Foxi Nightlord 184 9. Guild History: Nyaa 10. Ban History: none 11. Your Goal in Royals: make friends<3 12. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 7 13. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes/No 1. Name: Jared 2. Age: 25 3. Country/State: Wisconsin 3.1. Timezone: CDT 4. IGN: CrticalError 5. Level: 162 6. Class: Nightlord 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: july 2016 8. List any other character(IGN,Class,Level) you have: PerfectSin Nightlord 200 9. Guild History: Nyaa 10. Ban History: twice. for doing to much damage ;] 11. Your Goal in Royals: Become the next Hokage 12. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 7 13. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes/No friends we know from guardians: @DanCraft @-Tommy- @Cheersy @Drice
Yeh my bad i tought was the same person. It its posible if the other person can apply with she/he forum ID? Its more easy for us to discuss this c:
I've been alone with you Inside my mind And in my dreams I've kissed your lips A thousand times I sometimes see you Pass outside my door Hello! Is it me you're looking for?
To CJ: Thank you for your interest in our guild. Your Guardians application has been reviewed. After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that your application has been denied due to the following reason: We are looking for other classes as a bossing guild
To Mandy & Jared, Your Guardians applications have been reviewed, we would like to inform you that you have been accepted to the guild. Within the upcoming days you are required to contact a Gatekeeper in game in order to get your invitations. You will be also granted access to our Discord server as well. Welcome to Guardians!
1. Name: Enrique 2. Age: 23 3. Country/State: Peru (South America) 3.1. Timezone: GMT -5, 4. IGN: ArcanBlood 5. Level: 179 6. Class: NL 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: Since 2013-2014, But I took some months off 8. List any other character(IGN,Class,Level) you have: BlooDStrike, BS, 200 DragonBlooD, Arch Mage (F/P), 146 SpeedBlooD, Pirate(Bucc), 30 9. Guild History: Tempest 10. Ban History: None 11. Your Goal in Royals: Get Fun, Kill Bosses and boom everythings with 30% and chaos :c 12. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 7-8 13. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes
. Name:Nir 2. Age:22 3. Country/State:Israel 4. IGN:JOJOsilkin 5. Level:128(For now i think till you will see this replay ill be more.) 6. Class:Bishop 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: like 2 months 8. List any other character(IGN,Class,Level) you have: N\A 9. Guild History: N\A 10. Ban History: No 11. Your Goal in Royals: Rich lvl 200 , Killing Bosses , making friends from the guild or the whole game And ofc Having alot of fun 12. Why should we accept you as an exception?: im active player and loving heping ppl . 13. How long will it take until you can meet with the guild requirements?: 12 levels like 1 week cause iam sellling low leeching now to make some money . 14. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 9 15. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes I know maybe im not standing on your requirements but still ill be happy if i can join your guild thanks any way , have a nice day .
1. Name: Joey 2. Age: 23 3. Country/State: The Netherlands 3.1. Timezone: Europe - Amsterdam 4. IGN: VodJo 5. Level: 140 and lvling! :3(BF Solo's hell ye!) 6. Class: Bowmaster (SE Mule!) 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: +/- since 2015, been playing GMS since 2005 8. List any other character(IGN,Class,Level) you have: Katertje, Katertjeh, Katertjuh (Bandit, Dark Knight and another bowmaster (low hp)) 9. Guild History: Not much... Generation and some other small guilds.. used to have my own small Dutch guild called "Catnip". 10. Ban History: None ofcourse! 11. Your Goal in Royals: I'd just like to boss and merchant alot, my actual goal right now is to slay that fat bigfoot over and over again.. just so i will be 150+ asap! Also.. i'd just love to chat ALOT..! 12. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: Active as in "online" atleast an 8,, But im afk alot because of my work... Lets make it an "7"? 13. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yessir!
To Enrique: Your Guardians applications have been reviewed, we would like to inform you that you have been accepted to the guild. Within the upcoming days you are required to contact a Gatekeeper in game in order to get your invitations. You will be also granted access to our Discord server as well. Welcome to Guardians!
To Nir: Your Guardians application has been reviewed and we would like to thank you for your interest in our guild. Unfortunately your application has been denied due to your low level, please consider reapplying once you meet the requirements.
1. Name: Jeremiah 2. Age: 21 3. Country/State: New Zealand 3.1. Timezone: UTC +12 4. IGN: E30bmw 5. Level: 158 6. Class: Night Lord 7. How long have you been playing MapleRoyals: Just a bit over 2 months 8. List any other character(IGN,Class,Level) you have: Topsykretts, 145 BS. CProjects 105 SE MULE. 9. Guild History: Mystic 10. Ban History: I have been banned during the incident with the OAI 10% LMPQ glitch. This was nothing more than a false banning, and was unbanned promptly after. 11. Your Goal in Royals: Relieve and enjoy the nostalgic feeling of what this game was many many years ago. To also one day become one of the more renowned Nightlords to play on this server. 12. How active are you on a scale of 1-10: 10. 13. Have you read & Do you accept the Guild rules?: Yes/No. YES. P.s I had bumped into two lovely Guardian guild members before i had decided that I want to be apart of this guild. Thanks @Foxi and @PerfectSin
To Joey: Your Guardians applications have been reviewed, we would like to inform you that you have been accepted to the guild. Within the upcoming days you are required to contact a Gatekeeper in game in order to get your invitations. You will be also granted access to our Discord server as well. Welcome to Guardians playa!