https://image.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/cBx9Qb/mecanicalchair.png imagen full hd Mechanical Chair Tradeable
Gonna post only the ones that i havent seen here yet. Tent Chair (Tradeable) (rip all original tent chair owners )
there goes my self-proclaimed chair king title. I have no slots to do this anymore. made it up to 88 chairs before this got implemented. no motivation to get these anymore. it was nice.
Spoiler: Lotus Leaf Chair (untradeable) Spoiler: Reading Chair (untradable) Spoiler: Baby Dragon Swing (tradable) Spoiler: Desert Island Chair (untradable)
BTW, Sky Chair and Starry Night chair? Why are they the same o.o Are they the same chairs just different names? EDIT: GOT THE ANSWER THEY"RE BOTH THE SAME JUST DIFFERENT NAMES WEIRD AF IMO
Aran Flag Chair (Untradeable) Black Olympic Ring (Untradeable) Red Olympic Ring (Untradeable) Deluxe Cygnus Flag Chair (Untradeable) Cygnus Flag Chair (Untradeable)