APPLICATION FORM: NAME: nick IGN: hirneragi COUNTRY/TIMEZONE: PST JOB/LEVEL: bishop/188 ACTIVENESS ON A SCALE OF 1-10: 9 3/4 WORST DAD JOKE: Q: what did the scientist say when he found 2 isotopes of helium? A: HeHe
NAME: David IGN: Kotorl COUNTRY/TIMEZONE: BRZ gmt -3 JOB/LEVEL: 127 shadower ACTIVENESS ON A SCALE OF 1-10: 6 WORST DAD JOKE: Q: Who is the best kung fu vegetable? A: Broccc lee (l=L)
I'm gonna steal this joke thankyouverymuch, you've been accepted! Please whisper Synthase, OkayKelly, QuackersMoo, Fyra, slicktbh, meluna, haute or Cygni for an invite! As much as I'd like to accept someone who is over three times as attractive as a 10/10, I'm gonna have to reject your app due to your joke QQ please provide another joke! Hahaha loved this one! You've been accepted! Please whisper Synthase, OkayKelly, QuackersMoo, Fyra, slicktbh, meluna, haute or Cygni for an invite! You've been accepted! Please whisper Synthase, OkayKelly, QuackersMoo, Fyra, slicktbh, meluna, haute or Cygni for an invite! btw you should totally call @Whalien brokelly
NAME/IGN: Dervy COUNTRY/TIMEZONE: England / BST JOB/LEVEL: Bishop 121 WORST DAD JOKE: You've heard of Murphy's Law, have you heard of Cole's Law?
hi there! love the joke, but please use the appropriate format to apply to this guild! Spoiler: Application form NAME: IGN: COUNTRY/TIMEZONE: JOB/LEVEL: ACTIVENESS ON A SCALE OF 1-10: WORST DAD JOKE:
Sorry about that! I must have skipped ahead somehow haha. NAME: Karl IGN: Dervy COUNTRY/TIMEZONE: UK / BST JOB/LEVEL: 121 Bishop ACTIVENESS ON A SCALE OF 1-10: 5 with the potential for a higher score with the right guildies WORST DAD JOKE: I used to work in a shoe recycling shop; It was sole destroying.
I'm glad your sole search led us to our guild! Please whisper Synthase, OkayKelly, QuackersMoo, Fyra, slicktbh, meluna, haute or Cygni for an invite!
NAME: ralph IGN: ralphy COUNTRY/TIMEZONE: au JOB/LEVEL: 12 ACTIVENESS ON A SCALE OF 1-10: -1 WORST DAD SCIENCE JOKE: what does a subatomic duck say? quark!
soz rejected!! you don't qualify as your joke is NOT FUNNY and your application was poorly made. please do not try to attempt to apply for the guild again.
NAME: John IGN: HolyRice COUNTRY/TIMEZONE: Canada/EST JOB/LEVEL: Bishop/185 ACTIVENESS ON A SCALE OF 1-10: 8 WORST DAD JOKE: You heard the rumor going around about butter? Spoiler Nevermind, I shouldn't spread it.
sorry guys had to leave hope you all do well and be nice i could meet few of you and was good time <3 take care and be well~<3
NAME: James IGN: Alacricy COUNTRY/TIMEZONE: EST JOB/LEVEL: Shadower 120 ACTIVENESS ON A SCALE OF 1-10: 10 WORST DAD JOKE: How did the alien pay for his coffee? With Star bucks
I love how the joke is as basic as @Allison's uggs, and thus you've been accepted! Please whisper Synthase, OkayKelly, QuackersMoo, Fyra, slicktbh, meluna, haute or Cygni for an invite!
NAME: Croissantine IGN: Hotdogboi COUNTRY/TIMEZONE: Singapore JOB/LEVEL:75 ACTIVENESS ON A SCALE OF 1-10: 7.967 WORST DAD JOKE: I'm not happy being a glue salesman but I stick with it! Be like me, just gotta have patience and soon all your enemies will die of natural causes.
Should stick to lvling and you might get accepted when you're 120! sorry rejected. level requirement to join is 120
NAME/IGN: Trauma COUNTRY/TIMEZONE: UTC+03:00 (Israel) JOB/LEVEL: Cheif Bandit 92 WORST DAD JOKE: What is Beethoven's favorite fruit? A ba-na-na-na. I work alot so I won't be active everyday, But I usually play on weekends.
I'm sorry but you do not meet the level requirement and therefore, your application has been rejected. Please feel free to apply again once you've hit level 120!
NAME: Dave IGN: Beautician COUNTRY/TIMEZONE: Canada / EST JOB/LEVEL: NL / 180 ACTIVENESS ON A SCALE OF 1-10: 7 WORST DAD JOKE: I used to hate facial hair, but then it grew on me.