You say it, and I DELIVAR. @CaptainDre @Goku @Kazehayakun I'm not really up to speed (lol speed pun) with the issue with buccs, but as Andreas suggested, a feedback thread is a good place to start. You guys (buccs) shouldn't get left in the dust like pallies. (Follow-up from this thread)
@Andreas I wanna take the time to thank you greatly for looking into that bro, it means a lot coming from our small of community of buccs lol! If it is possible to reimplement back id be down & have no complaints. Can you also inform us on the negatives of reimplenting it back? Maybe if you had something else in mind that you wanted to try id be open to that too!
I never had a better idea, and considering new source advertised delay reductions for Buccs which ended up being quite lackluster it was the most appropriate area to target. The reason it was reverted in this patch was because I received the feedback that it made it worse for Buccs, specifically: With no feedback having been made since the last patch it didn't seem like anyone noticed it, or thought it had any impact at all, so this was a bit surprising! There never was any opinions against the idea of lowering the skill delay, having it return wouldn't be far fetched. I can't speak for the interest in doing anything else like damage buffs, though personally the idea I would be most in favor in supporting would be the lower skill delay + a buff to Barrage. Since you are making this feedback now I am slightly confused, the delays now are higher than from the previous patch, are you saying a Buccs damage increased when the skills got slower? I take it this comparison is from the old source?
@Andreas I'll tell you I personally feel neutral with the reduced delay when it comes to taking down bigfoot. Bigfoot's iframes were invariably annoying especially with the barrage + DS combo. In reference to Jackson's guide I heavily depend on demolition to pin/take down bigfoot, I can easily say the same for other fellow buccs too. Besides bigfoot though, at most bosses & OB4 grinding the reduction in delay positively in my opinion far outweighed the negatives! I'll be quite honest it wasn't until @Buccaneer told me that the dragon strike delay got reduced where I had actually took the time to notice, so you got me there lol. This isn't actually on your part though @Andreas since I took a break a couple days before the patch that it was added for a few months & lost the feel on playing my Bucc . Was I happy & grateful when I realized you added this? HELL YES! I can wholeheartedly agree that this would be a great suggestion. Bringing back the reduced delay from last patch alongside following the percentiles on @Buccaneer 's barrage table sounds like an adequate enough buff! Spoiler: P.S If this ever does get added in the near future, I'll be sure pay homage & give my feedback this time around
Have been meaning to respond here for some time, I have just been forgetting We have briefly talked about what we can do for Buccs and so far the feedback has been positive among staff, which means you can likely expect to see some improvements. I can't give any specifics and 'improvements' might end up being very small, just wanted to post to let you know we haven't forgotten about this. That's pretty much all I can say right now, I haven't had the chance to look into anything myself yet. I will try and give some numbers before the patch is released.
Is this dead? Would love to see a shorter delay in Bucc Attacks. I'm sure it would make the class somewhat more fun than it is now.