Store Location : none T-T Store Name: LauraMarket EQUIPS Single Earring (28 tma) A/W 900m Facestompers (7att) C/O 2.55b Jack Loo A/W 2.7b SOLD Pink Gaia Cape (8 att) C/O 1.5 Hero7 A/W 1.7b SOLD Storm Caster Gloves (15 att) C/O 2b scratch A/W 2.1b Accepting WS 420 CS 440 I reserve the right to sell. If paying using mesos, buyer will provide the 3% tax.
Ok, I have work soon. but if I do win I should be on from 4pm-6pm PST which is my time I think thats around 11PM-1AM GMT. Just add me if anything Hero7 is my IGN