Hi I'm Jess and I started playing MapleRoyals this morning! I have a couple questions 1) Are there any @commands in this server? 2) Are explorers the only playable jobs? 3) Is it worth being a lukless mage in this server or should i not bother? 4) Do people generally PQ? 5) Should it literally just be played like real maple but older? Thank you so much! If you have any tips or hints for me I would really appreciate it, my ign is Silvermist and i'm level 14! Thanks x
1) yes their are commands I believe you can type ~help to see a list of them 2) yes explorers is all we have 3) majority of the mages in this server are luckless due to the easy access for high int items and ele wands/ ele reductions not affecting bishops 4) depends on the pq and time of the day but you may have some difficulty recruiting imo, grinding is better and less of a hassle 5) Play however you like, it's your story