Hey guys, I'm going to soon hit 135 and obviously I'm gonna wanna start doing Zak runs for exp but this is the highest level I've ever been and I don't really wanna screw things up my very first run so I just thought I'd get some clarification on a bishops job in Zak. I know their main job is to dispel, provide HS, and res at the end if needed. My first question is: I know some people (most?) split up dps between the left and right arms and obviously I need to provide HS to both sides. Am I able to freely touch the body in phase 1 without dieing to get HS to both sides? Or is it the responsibility of the other side to come to me to get HS? My second question is: After the arms die I know everyone stacks up on the left side. Is my job at this point just to survive, spam dispel, and provide HS? Should I be dpsing at all? Thanks
question 1: u can touch with MG, otherwise u can teleport across both sides at the "cow" skull on top. question 2: yes, spam dispel or holy shield if you have. HS when b3 is dying. and yes, keep HS active until all the arms are down. As a starter, i would suggest you go with some hp gears (emergency tube +145hp, wraith of el nath cape +90hp).
During arms, the body doesn't have a hitbox so you don't have to worry about that. Dispelling the melee is usually more important than ranged at arms. When body starts, everyone's pretty close together so you don't have to worry about missing with dispell. You can hit body if you want during weapon cancel but it's not gonna do much, just don't cast genesis unless the map is like swarming with summons and all your melee classes are dead. Don't use heal (near) a dark knight if there's one in your party.
Remember to set your HP/MP flash up if you're going to be moving across the body after arms are down. Depending on your party's preference and whether Genesis tends to dc them, you can help with mob control/dps during body by using gene on the other side of the map. This will lure the mobs to you so they're not harassing your party. Of course, then you're not dispelling them, but some folks would rather use a few dozen all cures than constantly be fighting off mobs. Technically, you're saving them a few all cures by letting them focus on Zak.