Either they don't drop at all, or the droprate is way too broken. I've been there with a mate for over half an hour, and we got 0 feathers. I suspect they don't drop at all, because in GMS they used to drop pretty often. This is a 2x (or 4x) droprate server, so that's why I guess the drops are broken. IF NOT: The droprate definitely has to go up, this is ridiculous. Just my two pennies worth.
What exactly are you hunting them for? We can't (yet, maybe ever) make Balanced Furies and I don't know what else they would be required for. And most Phantom Forest/CWK monsters have a really low droprate on items. Try hunting Lucky Charms for the Silver Deputy Star exchange quest.
I did. Got 30 in about an hour and a half, that droprate is fine IMO, for what you get back. And how are u sure balanced furies cant be forged??? I thought the npc in deadman's gorge said they were forgable.
I'll just clarify it here because I've heard rumours being passed around. Although we have fixed Fiona in the test server, we have not updated her, because we are still working on the questline which allows you to ask Fiona to forge something. (There are 4 or 5 prequests) So is she fixed? No. Can Balanced Furies be forged at this point of time? No We'll let you know when we do finish everything Thanks for your patience in the meantime <3